Hampton coaches lose 25% of stipend


VaPreps All Region
Jul 5, 2008
This story from the Daily Press details Hampton head coaches losing 25% of their stipend.

St. Clair, given the numbers in this article, you've got a LONG way to go to get to your $6800 average.

Daily Press story
It's pronounced Shawn-T- Clair and the numbers are from a 2011 article. I didn't pull them out of some ill advised orafice.

Yes, the current numbers are startling and I really think it's important to provide the numbers of what these Coach's receive for what the fans expect in return. Would fans provide the same effort if they were compensated similarly? No chance in almost every case.

Fans very rarely realize the minuscule nature of how Coachs in VA are actually compensated and I hate when fans bombast these guys when the only reason the Coach's do it is love of the game and the kids. It's a real crime.

I don't know what the subject is on Saturday Rod but I'm calling in for the 1st time and will be prepared. Gotta give, you kicked my butt many times, have a significant lead and at times have shown me kindness. I appreciate that. But I'm coming in a professional manner. I have no doubt of the victor but it should be fun.
Originally posted by shauntclair:
It's pronounced Shawn-T- Clair and the numbers are from a 2011 article. I didn't pull them out of some ill advised orafice.

Yes, the current numbers are startling and I really think it's important to provide the numbers of what these Coach's receive for what the fans expect in return. Would fans provide the same effort if they were compensated similarly? No chance in almost every case.

Fans very rarely realize the minuscule nature of how Coachs in VA are actually compensated and I hate when fans bombast these guys when the only reason the Coach's do it is love of the game and the kids. It's a real crime.

I don't know what the subject is on Saturday Rod but I'm calling in for the 1st time and will be prepared. Gotta give, you kicked my butt many times, have a significant lead and at times have shown me kindness. I appreciate that. But I'm coming in a professional manner. I have no doubt of the victor but it should be fun.
Ha! All in good fun, my friend.

I don't really do the radio show any more so have fun with Matt and Ed, they will be worthy adversaries.

Also, if you see the author of that 2011 article, you may want to throw rotten vegetables at him, he lied to you.

This post was edited on 4/23 7:30 AM by VaPrepsRod
Yeah, it sucks

Private schools might pay high school football coaches more than public school ones do. If I was a head high school football coach, I'd seek out a head job at a private school!

Other than that, if you're an athletic director, you should be able to think of ways to make perks by contacting shoe companies, car dealers, etc. to provide freebies for your head football coach.

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