Lake Taylor 50 Princess Anne 49 - 2:27 - 4th Q

2 Fts for Fitzgerald
31 pts
52-49 LT

Fitzgerald has 94 pts in 3 games for Lake Taylor

McKenny basket for LT
54-49 LT
Nice pass from Fitzgerald

Cooper on the miss for PA
54-51 LT leads

1 minute to go
Lake Taylor 54, Princess Anne 51.

51.6 seconds left.

LT's Courtney White misses ft.

PA ball.

Princess Anne calls time out

Cavs trail 54-51 with 48.8 seconds left. PA ball.

Cooper scores for PA
54-53 LT

Fitzgerald fouled for LT

37 seconds left
Fitgerald makes Ft for LT
55-53 LT
2nd Ft - good
56-53 LT
33 pts for Fitzgerald

She just set VHSL record for 3 game tournament - 96 pts (36,27, 33)

PA ball

36 seconds

Cooper misses 3 for PA
Jump ball - possession PA

3 pointer no good

Tie ball - possession back to Lake Taylor

Fitzgerald misses twice for LT

Rebound PA

9 seconds - time out
Princess Anne ball

3 pointer missed

Rebound Lake Taylor

FINAL: Lake Taylor 56 Princess Anne 53

2nd year in a row Princess Anne finishes runner-up (lost to Oakton last year in state finals)
so does playing out-of-region.........

never mind, congrats Lake Taylor. Show love for PA though, especially since the team is so young.
Re: so does playing out-of-region.........

TBONE it doesnt matter one bit!! If they went back to my post at the begininng of the season I said it would be PA and LT and LT would when because Fee Fee plays out of her mind and her will is frequently imposed on the other young ladys.
Re: so does playing out-of-region.........

It sure didn't, but you ready for some football family? Norcom fan here, but I always had love for LT, esp. since I got family that lives in the zone (couldn't stand Booker T., hehe, but now I got a cousin who's there, so I root for the Bookers as well). All those years and all that talent and a state title was just slightly elusive, until '12! Felt great seeing LT take it. Word is you guys are geared up for a run just as strong as last year. My boys should be ready, but we'll see, just hope Archie has 'em ready!

As for the LT girls, Saundra Sawyer's got something cooking over there and if no one else has smelled the goodness by now, God help 'em. I remember LT girls being good back in the day, too, in addition to Booker T., but the Beach schools, primarily Kempsville, Salem and PA of course were just the stalwarts. Now LT's facilitating some talent like never before. Great athletes from your neck of the woods indeed!

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