4-5 Class Alignment Model


Richmond Region Football Writer
Dec 17, 2012
Mechanicsville, VA
So there has been a lot of discussion over the last year or two from fans about the 6-class system and how it should be either a 4 or 5 class system. So in the few weeks since the state championship games, I put together a couple of models... one a 4-class and the other at 5-class. Take a look and see what they could look like.

5-Class Model

4-Class Model
In the four class model Class One is gonna have a cow with John Marshall in 1B.
in both models there is a big problem with NOVA (the sheer size of that region) is an issue.
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In the four class model Class One is gonna have a cow with John Marshall in 1B.
in both models there is a big problem with NOVA (the sheer size of that regio) is an issue.
I get it but regions are based geographically and we all know how populous that area is.
If I had to choose The 5 Class model is (surprisingly) not as disruptive as I would have thought. I am selfish and looked to see how each affected the RVA area.
With the four class setup I would move the Loudoun teams from 4C to 4D...would make the numbers closer between the two regions and the bigger Loudoun teams already get placed in the Cedar Run and Region 6B with the PWC/Stafford/Spotsy schools.

I think a lot of people would be happy to have the "Northern Region" teams all together even if it meant a big region.
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The 5 class model probably works best for balancing overall regions numbers. You really cannot get into who moves up or down because the enrollment numbers are what they are and they change every year. Why do you put so many teams into Region C in both the 4 and 5 class models? For example, in the 5 class model traditional Concorde teams like Oakton and Madison are in C. To further balance the C and D regions in the 5 class model I would even argue for moving Fairfax. That would balance the regions with 18 teams in C and 17 in D. For the 4 class model moving teams isn't really going to work and you would still get this gigantic region C unless you took a handful of teams from the Route 1 corridor and put them in D.
Any thoughts one model for football and a different model for all other sports?
Any thoughts one model for football and a different model for all other sports?
I am all ears if you include basketball too.

We can do something like we did a long time ago:
Large School Championship Class: 6-5-4
Small School Championship Class: 3-2-1
a variation of this model.
State Championship would be a 12-team affair with four first round byes.
4 teams from each Class (region winners)
yearly rotation as to which class gets the bye

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