4 Teams Halt Practice

And absolutely bad decision on the part of Radford School Officials. Your decision to shut the program down based on 3 kids positive and the rest negative and an overwhelming percentage of the team vaxd was wrong and absurd and an overreaction. The CDC says you do not have to quarantine if you are exposed and you have been vaccinated and that you have to be tested 3-5 days later. It says nothing about quarantining during that 3-5 days window. I can't speak for other school districts, but I can comment on the one I am knowledgeable about and for the one in Radford, shame on you in charge for this decision. I still love ya though, but boy oh boy, you guys and gals got this one wrong in my opinion.

Lets say you have 10 kids on the team that tested positive. Guess what according to the CDC, you STILL do not have to quarantine or shut down. If you have 50 kids on the team and 10 test positive, the other 40 do not have to quarantine and can carry on about their business as usual IF they have been vaccinated. If not, the small percentage of those remaining 40 who haven't been vaxd must quarantine if exposed to the positive ones. They must test 3-5 days later to ensure they are negative. What this means is this for all school boards, coaches, and AD's and hope you are hearing this. IF your kids are vaccinated, and not even all of them, but if you have about 80-90 percent of your kids vaccinated, you will not need to shut your program down for one day if the CDC guidelines remain the same. The kids that test positive obviously will need to set out, but simply no recommendations whatsoever for shutting a program down. Sad.
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And absolutely bad decision on the part of Radford School Officials. Your decision to shut the program down based on 3 kids positive and the rest negative and an overwhelming percentage of the team vaxd was wrong and absurd and an overreaction. The CDC says you do not have to quarantine if you are exposed and you have been vaccinated and that you have to be tested 3-5 days later. It says nothing about quarantining during that 3-5 days window. I can't speak for other school districts, but I can comment on the one I am knowledgeable about and for the one in Radford, shame on you in charge for this decision. I still love ya though, but boy oh boy, you guys and gals got this one wrong in my opinion.

Lets say you have 10 kids on the team that tested positive. Guess what according to the CDC, you STILL do not have to quarantine or shut down. If you have 50 kids on the team and 10 test positive, the other 40 do not have to quarantine and can carry on about their business as usual IF they have been vaccinated. If not, the small percentage of those remaining 40 who haven't been vaxd must quarantine if exposed to the positive ones. They must test 3-5 days later to ensure they are negative. What this means is this for all school boards, coaches, and AD's and hope you are hearing this. IF your kids are vaccinated, and not even all of them, but if you have about 80-90 percent of your kids vaccinated, you will not need to shut your program down for one day if the CDC guidelines remain the same. The kids that test positive obviously will need to set out, but simply no recommendations whatsoever for shutting a program down. Sad.
While I agree with your sentiment, they didn't get tested until this morning so we don't know totals. Anyone that comes back negative will practice today.
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While I agree with your sentiment, they didn't get tested until this morning so we don't know totals. Anyone that comes back negative will practice today.
Here's the thing man. If there is a case of Covid 19 on the team, those who aren't vax'd get to go home and quarantine if they have been around that person who is positive. That's it. That's all. Nothing recommend for a "temporary shutdown or 10 day period". It's not recommended by the CDC. For those who have been vax'd, they can continue to go on about their business and practice. So, this is what has me someone upset. It doesn't matter if 1 tested positive or if 10 tested positive, there simply is not reason to shut the program down for 10 days or even 5 days IF you have enough bodies left over that are vax'd to field a football team.
COVID has been one big lie by the government to control people. Yeah, I know it's a bad virus, but it just exacerbates underlying health issues, and the fact that the gubmint pays hospitals a sh*tload of money for every "COVID" case they report tells me it's a big, fat, nothingburger. No offense to anyone who has been affected by the virus at all. But all this hysteria is completely unwarranted.
These are the type of words, albeit truthful words, that get you banned on this site. Heck, I'm on my 5th name for speaking out against COVID hysteria and CRT.
COVID has been one big lie by the government to control people. Yeah, I know it's a bad virus, but it just exacerbates underlying health issues, and the fact that the gubmint pays hospitals a sh*tload of money for every "COVID" case they report tells me it's a big, fat, nothingburger. No offense to anyone who has been affected by the virus at all. But all this hysteria is completely unwarranted.
My Mother died from it so where's the lie? I know a 15 yr old athlete (with no underlying conditions) here nearly die from it. Where's the lie? It's that kind of thinking...
COVID has been one big lie by the government to control people. Yeah, I know it's a bad virus, but it just exacerbates underlying health issues, and the fact that the gubmint pays hospitals a sh*tload of money for every "COVID" case they report tells me it's a big, fat, nothingburger. No offense to anyone who has been affected by the virus at all. But all this hysteria is completely unwarranted.
There really has not been much of a change in strategy between Trump and Biden administration. So are both parties in on this conspiracy theory? "The government" is 50 states(and D.C.), controlled by different parties at both their executive and legislative branch. But they are all working together to conspire against you seeing football on Friday nights.
We all know it will never happen, but I would just like a streamline decision and policy, for all schools, for if 1 or more players test positive. Keep all schools on the same even field. Some are just pulling the positive player and allowing the rest to go on. Some are requiring unvaccinated players to quarantine for full 2 week period and some are allowing them to come back after a certain number of days and a negative test. Other schools are shutting programs down for 1 positive test and not allowing vaccinated players to practice or condition, BUT allowing them to still attend school. Some schools are very extreme and pausing the sports for 2 weeks and then require a return to practice and adjustment period to allow players to regain their conditioning, thus keeping them out of contact for almost 3 weeks. Just give me an across the board policy please.
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People die from the flu as well. The lie is that the china virus is somehow worse than the seasonal flu and the government knows what's best. Nothing could be further from the truth.
That's simply factually incorrect. Per Johns Hopkins, an estimated 250K-600K people die from the flu in any given year worldwide. In the last 28 days, again per Johns Hopkins, over 270K people have died worldwide even with way more preventative measures and awareness. You can debate how any given country has handled the pandemic and the best path forward, but it's not up for debate: the flu is way less fatal than COVID has shown to be. Politicians lie, the government lies, the media lies, but numbers dont. Even if you take the absolute lowest possible projections for COVID deaths, from institutions that have way more incentive to have fewer people die, it's still deadlier than the flu.

you even call it the seasonal flu, doesn't that prove the point? The flu deaths take a gigantic dip during certain parts of the year, COVID deaths have remained, unfortunately, a much steadier rate over seasonal changes.

EDIT: forgot link
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Clarke fan ! I know you have been on here for while but I am thinking maybe you should leave ! You absolutely don’t have a glue ! Once you have lost someone close to you from this terrible virus then you can ask for forgiveness! But until then shut up ! And I think the administration on here should remove you .
Clarke fan ! I know you have been on here for while but I am thinking maybe you should leave ! You absolutely don’t have a glue ! Once you have lost someone close to you from this terrible virus then you can ask for forgiveness! But until then shut up ! And I think the administration on here should remove you .
I may be wrong usually i am. But, the way i have read Clarkfans post i would have to agree with him. Please take time to read it again and see if you come up with a different perspective.
I may be wrong usually i am. But, the way i have read Clarkfans post i would have to agree with him. Please take time to read it again and see if you come up with a different perspective.
Dude did you read his post completely? So all of this is a lie ? My brother in-law dying from this virus in less than 7 days is a lie , for real old fool Ian sorry but I totally disagree with this ! Now this should go back to football !
Dude did you read his post completely? So all of this is a lie ? My brother in-law dying from this virus in less than 7 days is a lie , for real old fool Ian sorry but I totally disagree with this ! Now this should go back to football !
My take on his post is that he is being sarcastic that our government knows best.
Clarke fan ! I know you have been on here for while but I am thinking maybe you should leave ! You absolutely don’t have a glue ! Once you have lost someone close to you from this terrible virus then you can ask for forgiveness! But until then shut up ! And I think the administration on here should remove you .
Asking for someone to be removed(censored), just because they have a different opinion of things is just flat out wrong. Clarke fan issued his opinion. There are a lot of things about this virus, vaccine, masks, that just don't add up and make sense. I don't have the answers, but should be allowed to do my own research and form my own opinions. As should everyone.
Asking for someone to be removed(censored), just because they have a different opinion of things is just flat out wrong. Clarke fan issued his opinion. There are a lot of things about this virus, vaccine, masks, that just don't add up and make sense. I don't have the answers, but should be allowed to do my own research and form my own opinions. As should everyone.
And I do understand what you are saying about having opinions! The way it was put was very non considerate to the people that has had to deal the real consequences of this ! I do understand that there are people that are non believers from the past 1 yr 1/2 of the pandemic! It’s not a lie I can tell you that , I have been on here for a very long time and that was a very non compassionate opinion . What about all of the kids trying to go to school and play a sport and stay safe , I guess the government is in control of all that as he said . Sorry he should go .
And I do understand what you are saying about having opinions! The way it was put was very non considerate to the people that has had to deal the real consequences of this ! I do understand that there are people that are non believers from the past 1 yr 1/2 of the pandemic! It’s not a lie I can tell you that , I have been on here for a very long time and that was a very non compassionate opinion . What about all of the kids trying to go to school and play a sport and stay safe , I guess the government is in control of all that as he said . Sorry he should go .
I could care less about this government, this is about real life , That's just my opinion!
I won't defend that Clarkefans post might sound a bit cold and uncaring, but I will say that I think he meant it more of a statement that he, and like most of us, have lost faith that we can trust the government or quasi government entities.

I will defend his compassion and caring though. I've known him a right good while, and he is a good man with a big heart.

If you were put out by the way he expressed himself, please don't be. I believe he simply got ahead of himself, and didn't realize that his remark may have come across as insensitive to BC losing his mom.

I've been deeply affected on a personal basis through loss of life to covid. "Lesser than" or "greater than" the seasonal flu is really irrelevant at this point. People we know, people we love, have become sick, suffered, and some have died. Sometimes I get wound up and forget that not everyone I talk and argue with have been as directly affected as others have been. It's not Clarkefans personality to be callus. So I ask that you give him the benefit of the doubt if you can.

I do want to take this opportunity to tell all of you, such as BCKnight and others, that my heart breaks for you. You have suffered an unimaginable loss, and my most heartfelt prayers are for you and your families.
My Mother died from it so where's the lie? I know a 15 yr old athlete (with no underlying conditions) here nearly die from it. Where's the lie? It's that kind of thinking...
I'm very sorry for your loss. My mom had a stroke last year and while in the hospital she contracted COVID. She did survive, but she was very sick.
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I won't defend that Clarkefans post might sound a bit cold and uncaring, but I will say that I think he meant it more of a statement that he, and like most of us, have lost faith that we can trust the government or quasi government entities.

I will defend his compassion and caring though. I've known him a right good while, and he is a good man with a big heart.

If you were put out by the way he expressed himself, please don't be. I believe he simply got ahead of himself, and didn't realize that his remark may have come across as insensitive to BC losing his mom.

I've been deeply affected on a personal basis through loss of life to covid. "Lesser than" or "greater than" the seasonal flu is really irrelevant at this point. People we know, people we love, have become sick, suffered, and some have died. Sometimes I get wound up and forget that not everyone I talk and argue with have been as directly affected as others have been. It's not Clarkefans personality to be callus. So I ask that you give him the benefit of the doubt if you can.

I do want to take this opportunity to tell all of you, such as BCKnight and others, that my heart breaks for you. You have suffered an unimaginable loss, and my most heartfelt prayers are for you and your families.
Thank you Dinwiddie! It’s a very difficult time now for us all ! As you can see I am very compassionate about this and I am so sorry to all who have lost love ones and friends! Thanks
Some people need to acquire reading comprehension skills rather than immediately demanding censorship.
Wow I lost my Mom in October, Uncle in November, and niece in December. Dumba$$ comments don't faze me. I pray your family dont find out if it's a lie or not.
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Sorry. I didn't mean to offend anybody affected by the china virus. Never my intent. My issue is with the powers that be and the way they are handling it.
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