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mike salem

Nov 2, 2009
I went to donate blood today and my phlebotomist saw my Salem hat and said you ain't winning Friday! I don't think they remembered us talking about their allegiance to Fleming and a certain star RB, on a previous visit. All I said was it was going to be a good game. I love it! I got a RADAR driver that does the same thing when it's PH week. Nothing like football rivalries.
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Lol, @mike salem. It's just nice to hear that high school football rivalries are still going strong in the Roanoke Valley. It's says a lot about how important the Salem Spartans football history is when fans from other programs desire to have a chance on a Friday night.

A smart man once told me "Don't believe the negative myth about being king of the mountain. If it was a bad place why do so many people want to knock the King off. Never stop working to stay there"! Sparta enjoy the view from the top. It has been well earned.

I am proud to call Salem a special opponent/program. Win, lose or draw renewing our rivalry is going to be a blast.