The mud didn't seem to hurt Tazewell's running game at The Cliff the week before.. The Dawgs had 2 backs over 100 each and over 300 as a team. Grundy just isn't as good as everyone thinks. Thy will be lucky to not finish 6-4 or 5-5.
It came a monsoon right before kickoff for 30 minutes. The radio station said it rained hard. Grundy won didn't they? Why you complaining about a field? Hurley had to play on it to. Did the "all american" running back not get his stats? Lol
Grundy got that "daddy ball" going on. Y'all will be like those Central/Ridgeview dads.
1. If you know anything about EH31, you know he didn’t play at Grundy. So he has no true dog in the fight.
2. Having seen pictures from both the Tazewell game and the Grundy game at Hurley, the Grundy game was much worse. You can’t even see the numbers on the Grundy players.
Didn't mean to insinuate that he was a Grundian other saying "y'all" and I thought that was what all Southerners use at the beginning of a sentence. Anyway.....Grundy isn't as good as everyone thought and Hurley isn't as bad as everyone thinks. I have seen both teams this year. Don't matter how bad the field was because both teams played on the same surface.