Big Week Ahead for All Augusta Teams---Not Just the Top Two!


VaPreps All Region
Dec 12, 2006
Quite understandably, the major attention this week will be focused on the big one in Greenville when Stuarts Draft and Riverheads clash. But if you think about it, and if what I have been reading is accurate, all of the other teams around here have something to play for as well.

Let's discuss Buffalo Gap first. When they lost two in a row, giving them three losses altogether, I just naturally assumed that they were no longer in the running for the 2-B playoffs. Yet it appears that they can still sneak in if they beat Fort Defiance Thursday and if something else goes their way up in the Bull Run District. Since I have never been one to understand the point system, I will leave a further explanation to others who DO understand it better.

Then there can still be happy endings for other teams as well. Say for example Wilson and Waynesboro. I will choose to lump them together in the same paragraph because of their similarities. Each was coming off a disappointing Fall '19 season and each one hired a new coach to start a re-building project. Well normally such things take time, but here we are entering the final week of the regular season, and if Wilson knocks off Staunton, they will finish with a winning record of 4-2 and in third place in the Shenandoah behind the two unbeatens. Waynesboro got that first elusive win two weeks ago, and followed that up by giving unbeaten Turner Ashby a battle Friday night. Therefore you cannot rule out the possibility that they can go up to Broadway this week and pick up a win. I also understand that Waynesboro and Staunton have worked out plans for a Plus One game on Friday the 9th, giving each one the chance to go out a winner this season. Moral of the story...Wilson and Waynesboro should each be proud of their new hires and things should start to look up for them.

That might seem to leave Staunton and Fort Defiance with nothing special to play for this week. But they should not look at it that way and should instead be interested in playing the role of spoiler. An Indian win out at the Gap would certainly knock the Bison out of playoff contention so right there is motivation for the visitors to show up and give 110%. Same goes for Staunton. They reportedly were happy with their own effort in Friday's loss to Stuarts Draft, so why not roll into Fishersville with the idea of doing their best, depriving Wilson of that winning record, and then hoping for another win over Waynesboro the next week?

So good luck to all those teams and if there are others besides RHS and SD that make the playoffs, best of luck to them as well. The only depressing thing about this week is the weather forecast. It sounds as if we are headed for a damp, late-November kind of evening, so bundle up accordingly, and may the best teams win...........

What's that you say..................OHHHH, you want me to talk a little about the Riverheads/Draft game??????????? Oh, OK I guess I can do that...........

Just like 2019, the two enter this game unbeaten. That time everything CERTAINLY worked out well in the long run as each one made it to Salem for championship Saturday. So this season, since Salem is out of the picture, wouldn't it be cool if each one got to host a state final just seven miles apart on a sunny day in May? But there is much football to be played before we can get to that stage.

As for this regular season finale, the hype was through the roof last time, and we were blessed with decent enough weather as I recall, but the Gladiators spoiled the party for the home team with a 49-14 rout, a margin that surprised if not shocked just about everybody. So the logical questions to ask this time around will be things like...........Is Riverheads still that much better and if so, will they win that easily again this time?.........Have the Cougars been planning and plotting their revenge so that they may be the team to beat this time?.............Is Stuarts Draft's defense for real (i.e. one touchdown allowed in five games (not one PER GAME for those of you who might not be up on the subject, but one TOTAL touchdown for all five games?).............Does Riverheads have enough weapons to score on that rock-solid defense?

Since each team is averaging in the 40s, my take on that last question is that yes, some points WILL be scored. I doubt seriously if we are looking at a 7-6 or 14-7 kind of game here. Unless the weather is so awful that it handicaps both teams, I expect a game that will feature some big-time offense. Therefore I am saying yes, Riverheads does have enough weapons to score and will score some points in this game. However, SD must also have some weapons of its own, and since Riverheads has not posted any shut-outs this season, there is certainly ample reason to expect the Cougars to march up and down the field as well.

If you compare scores, seldom a wise thing to do, they have four common opponents. With three of those (Wilson, Staunton and Fort Defiance) the scores were so similar you cannot draw any conclusions. So that would only leave Buffalo Gap and its two trips to these schools. When the Bison visited SD a few weeks ago, the final was 30-0 but as I recall it was only 9-0 after three quarters before the Cougars pulled away. On the other hand, last Friday in Greenville, the Big Red was ahead of BG 49-6 by halftime and ended up winning by 45. However I do understand that the Bison were short-handed and might have otherwise put up a better fight.

So if I am forced to make a prediction, of COURSE I have to go with my Gladiators. But I certainly do not expect anything like that 49-14 beatdown. If RHS does win, it will be more like a 35-21 kind of game or maybe 28-20. A Cougar win will not come as a total shock because there have been teams that could defense Riverheads effectively, and maybe they really WILL be up to that task. The beauty of the game is that each one is firmly entrenched in its number one seed for the playoffs and whatever happens will not impact that.
I have heard the Cougars look as if they run the same stuff Riverheads . Also they have bigger and faster players on both sides of the ball . It's hard to beat a team over and over when you run the same thing forever ! I look for a tight game with the Cougars coming out on top . Riverheads has become the team that thinks they can't be beat . Coaching could prove me wrong . jmo
My take goes like this:

The Fort/Gap game will be close with Fort spoiling the party for Gap unfortunately.

Wilson should beat Staunton handily but then again maybe the Storm has a little fury left after all. Look for the Hornets to take this one pulling away by two scores.

I am not a score comparison kind of guy but Draft has been nearly impossible to score on and in fact their first team D hasn’t surrendered anything. I don’t think they can pitch a shut out against this Gladiator team but to me it’s a race to 21, if anyone can actually get there they win this one. I won’t buy into the offensive stats against opponents that were more or less overmatched. Somebody gonna get their feelings hurt. I gotta go with Riverheads winning but wouldn’t be surprised at all with a Cougar win.
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I have a lot of respect for Draft football. They have great team speed. They have some good solid linemen up front. They have a lot of weapons offensively. However, Riverheads offense is as physically strong as any I have ever seen on the 1A/2A level. Size and power. They will wear the draft out. Riverheads secondary is also fast. They will have to watch out for the deep pass. Penalties and turnovers are always a factor. I am going 35-21 Riverheads. I hope it is a good game, and hope both teams can bring back trophies this year.
If Gap has Mr. Johnson back, I like their chances against Fort. The bad news is if they win, it sounds like they will have to play Draft again. Draft could be really mad after losing or be really beat up.
If Wilson sticks with pounding the rock they will have no problem with the Storm. Staunton is a young team, and Gap man handled them up front, Sprouse brothers and company should have fun.
@BGfootball95 very good observation in my opinion. Wilson has made some personnel moves and the players are really starting to play within the defensive scheme of their coach. You can tell a big difference from the start of the year. We still are making too many mistakes with turnovers and silly penalties but they are starting to improve.

I really do wish this was a 10 game season. This is a solid group at Wilson. With the player adjustments and coaching, they have greatly improved. Would love another shot at Draft. I think it would be much closer and possibly very close.

The Red team, I'll pass on that one. Others can have them this season and Draft is going to find out Thursday they are the real deal. You can tell before the game even starts who the dominant team is if you see them live. Unless for some reason the Red team turns the ball over and just plays terribly this is not going to be close. When was the last time Casto let his team beat themselves??? I don't think it will be this week either. Hopefully, Draft reads this and comes out and proves me wrong but this game is like having a game where you can't be happy one loses because it means the other one won....

Gap and Fort should be a close one. Fort can put the ball in the air and Gap has some really good backs so this game should be very close. I hope Gap gets healthy for the end of the season and makes it in the playoffs.

I have heard Wilson is trying to find a 7th game so maybe that comes through. Would like to see them get another game in this season.

Good luck to everyone this week. For some, this is the last game until Fall. For others, this is just the start of the post-season. In Greenville, it means soon you will get to strut around for another year as a State Champion.

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