Bigz Rule the World Lineman Camp

Feb 29, 2016
Lineman Camp at Chatham High School for grades 6-12! $20 gets you a t-shirt and instruction! 10-2 On June 18 at Chatham High, Registration begins at 9:15

Coaching Staff includes:

Joey Partin, Current TE Coach and former All ODAC Offensive lineman at Hampden-Sydney College.

CJ Wade, Former All Conference Offensive Lineman at Hampden-Sydney College

Connor Christian, Former all Conference Offensive Lineman at Buckingham County High School, currently an offensive lineman at Emory and Henry College

Wesley Spencer, current offensive lineman at Hampden-Sydney College

Ryan Jones, former all District Offensive Lineman at Buckingham County High School, current starting Nose Guard at Hampden-Sydney College

Carter Allen, former all District Center, and assistant coach at Buckingham County High School

Chatham High Football staff and more!

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