It can't happen in high school because as soon as a kick touches the goal line it's over, the ball is dead and the play is a touchback. This is true even if the ball is touched in the field of play, as long as it's not possessed. A kick does not end until a player gains possession. As long as the ball is still a kick, it can touch every player on the field twice and it will be dead and declared a touchback the instant it breaks the plane of the goal line.
Incidentally, there was a play nearly identical to the pro play in a college game a few years ago where the returner tossed the ball to the referee who let it drop because, technically, it was still live. The kicking team recovered for a TD. The powers-that-be in NCAA officiating issued a ruling that when a returner tosses the ball from the endzone, he is conceding that the play is over, therefore it is a touchback.
The NFL office basically made the exact same ruling Saturday and called the alternate official on the headset immediately and overturned the ruling on the field.
There is a adage we use on the field -- "No cheap turnovers, no cheap scores."