Bland Co. Digging a Deeper Hole


VaPreps Rookie
Aug 10, 2011
Word out of Bland Co. is that county and school admin have asked long time head coach Harris Hart to step down and he has done so saying "if that's what they think will help the program." Their thinking is kids aren't playing because of him. The man has put in his time there for years and like every small school has had good/great years and has down years. The times are changing and they are seeing it first hand. Kids, parents, and admin have no loyalty or respect for someone like Coach Hart. Kids and parents just go run to admin about coach wanting them to lift weights and put in the time to try and be successful and they don't want to so lets get rid of him. They didn't have a team this past season and at this rate the future I doubt is looking to promising. What coach would want a job knowing the kids don't want to put in work in the off-season and that all they have to do is complain and get there parents to complain and then the coach is out of a job. If they find someone willing to take the job they'll be inexperienced and will probably want to sling the football 100 times a game with limited athletes and get beat by 50 a game but at least the kids will have fun not doing anything in the off-season and try and re-create Madden Games. Such a sad time in Bland Co.
Seems like the times are changing for the worse, kids are soft and us parents have made them that way. Sad to say but its the truth. Kids rather have a phone or controller in their hand rather then play any sports.