Bland Co

Sep 6, 2010
While reading the pigskin preview I realized just how young this bland team is. Only having 6 seniors and 2 juniors will obviously result in some growing pains but hopefully this will also mean a lot of growth as the season progresses. Losing three would be starters on the defensive side due to family moving has, in my opinion, put this team in a bind. Add the season ending injury to a key sophomore and it looks worse. I was looking forward to see how this years defense would be because I think they started 3-4 freshman on the back end last year. With that said, I think the expectations are still high but it's going to take a lot of work from the coaches and players and some luck to avoid key injuries. Offensively I knew the Bears would be young up front and thought they would rely on the defense early on but that may not be the case. Good luck to everyone this Friday.
Hey BCBACKER, best of luck to your Bears tonight. I got a feeling those young players will play well,
And Will want to win and look good, so they will grow up fast tonight and over the next few games.
Kids will surprise you. The young one will make good plays 75% of the time; it's that 25% that you
Worry about. Hopefully, someone else will have their back that 25%.
Anyhow, best of luck this season. I will be pulling the Bears, so be sure and give us a report on the
Game. Again, good luck My Friend!