CB vs N’land

N’land 20 CB 18 4:16 left in 3rd..N’land had a huge interception and returned it to about the 25 to set N’land w/ good field position for them score
First let me say congrats to CB on a great win! I did expect NHS to win as I think the Indians are better on paper. I was incorrect in that prediction as the game is played on the field and not on paper as we all know.

CB is impressive indeed! All this talk about small schools (and others) struggling with their football programs. Not CB.

CB are true iron men. They play very smart, well organized ball. They are in excellent shape and play with attitude. They remind me of maybe a smaller Riverheads type team...kinda.

Dang, I was expecting CB's #3 Lewis to do it all and #10 for them was just as good in his different style. They had another runner too maybe 5 or 17. What shocked me was their passing (I think they two pass TDs and maybe an extra point or two passing?).

I see why CB took Sussex and Essex to the wire at home and knocked off WP as well.

I thought Northumberland would wear them out in the 2nd half and it looked like to me that CB were flying on both sides of the ball to the end. It was NHS that was tired at the end, but the Indian Defense was on the field way too much.

Also, I enjoyed their announcer. He was nice to say at the end that this game was a battle and the final score did not give justice to the game.
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@uvacavs1 yeah their announcer was hilarious. Wish all the schools in the NND had colorful commentary. I definitely had N’land over CB as well and it looked like they could do it until about late in the 3rd/early 4th qtr when CB slowly start pulling away. But I was definently impressed with CB as well. They kept grinding and wearing down N’land defense. But after seeing this game, I now believe it’s a 2 horse race for the Region. As much respect as I have for CB and believe they have a good team. It’s gonna be hard to knock off Sussex or Essex with the defenses they have. I now fully expect a Sussex/Essex rematch. But you never know, that’s why the game is played
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All credit to CB as stated above but let me offer a few details on how close this game was -

I am tired and writing off memory so forgive me if I get a quarter wrong or get a play out of sequence.

End of 1st - NHS up 7-6.

I think maybe after CB went up 12-7, NHS was driving and then on a 1st down and threw a wild deep ball that was intercepted. Must have better game situational awareness.

On CB's next drive (I think) it was like 3rd or 4th and long - CB was given a highly, highly questionable pass interference call - coaches went wild - CB scores soon after.

Not blaming anyone but the clock kept running several times near the end of the 2nd half - Coach Lewis very upset - understandable- maybe some missed holding calls etc.. Its hard to say...but they were a few iffy ones.

CB 18-14 at half

NHS gets the ball to open the 2nd half - it was a horrendous opening set of downs for the Indians as they looked confused - NHS then fumbles the ball and CB recovers.

Late in third, NHS' Collin Saunders had an awesome INT return to set up the TD to put the Indian go ahead TD. Saunders, Christian Headly and David Christian had great games on D just seemed to always be on the field.

CB played great O and D after that but the Indians held - but, correct me if I remember incorrectly, both of the next two CB TDs were scored on 4th downs! One or two of them a wide open pass TD.

On one of the late NHS drives in between those TDs it appeared that NHS' Palmer was tackled out of bounds and then slammed down. The crowd and coaches expected a 15 yard penalty - no flags were thrown.... - drive stalled.

So end the end it was a great game- CB played well - it was a good one - NHS just could not keep any momentum.

Final CB 40 NHS 26
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Twobyfour you keep saying Northumberland is one dimensional. Would you care to explain, I assume you are referring to delvin Palmer?
It really was a good game. Could’ve easily been a N’land win. From what I saw, neither team was completely dominating the other, N’land just started to run on E and couldn’t finish their drives. That could be due to CB but I never got the feel that CB was the cause. Always felt it was on N’land
It really was a good game. Could’ve easily been a N’land win. From what I saw, neither team was completely dominating the other, N’land just started to run on E and couldn’t finish their drives. That could be due to CB but I never got the feel that CB was the cause. Always felt it was on N’land
Thats what wing teams do. They grind on you and wear you out, and keep your offense off the field. We were down to CB in the fourth qtr 8-0, but they kept grinding and broke a 70 yarder. Broke our backs
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