

VaPreps Rookie
Nov 10, 2007
Everyone has there own option and have the right to express there feelings about the new boards and I would be the first to admit a couple of months ago when they changed the layout I didn't like it because I was having trouble getting on and posting but the whole time I just needed to change my browser.

The funny thing is I had a training class at work the other day and the topic was Change. To sum it up they gave to different example of company's.

The first was Blockbuster s rentals. They were successful in the beginning but the reason they are out of business now is because they didn't embrace change. With the introduction of the internet, Netflix, and Red Box came up and took over there market. Why because they didn't want to change what made them successful.

The other was Walmart the #1 retailer in the world are always making changes and coming up with new ideas to keep them #1.

The bottom line change is not always a good thing but how can you get better if you don't try.
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Gen, one of my favorite sayings is "if you like things the way they are, they will never change"!
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Everyone has there own option and have the right to express there feelings about the new boards and I would be the first to admit a couple of months ago when they changed the layout I didn't like it because I was having trouble getting on and posting but the whole time I just needed to change my browser.

The funny thing is I had a training class at work the other day and the topic was Change. To sum it up they gave to different example of company's.

The first was Blockbuster s rentals. They were successful in the beginning but the reason they are out of business now is because they didn't embrace change. With the introduction of the internet, Netflix, and Red Box came up and took over there market. Why because they didn't want to change what made them successful.

The other was Walmart the #1 retailer in the world are always making changes and coming up with new ideas to keep them #1.

The bottom line change is not always a good thing but how can you get better if you don't try.

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