
Nov 29, 2012
As a former player and coach it is hard for me to grasp the concept of blaming the coach for a team losing. Certain instances maybe I give you that but a 20-40 pt blowout? Come on..players have to execute. On several threads I see people saying make the right play call..easier said than done. I don't a coach is calling a play with the intentions of it failing. Take Sussex or Franklin for example, they have been running the same plays/system for decades and some years are more successful than others. I doubt if their coaches are bad coaches just because they lose a game or two. Basically, win lose or draw we have to keep in mind that this is only high school football! Players and coaches are doing their best so as fans we need to do our part and do our BEST by showing SUPPORT! Just my thoughts...
I agree man I would support any coach that the kids get behind and support themselves. But in our particular situation the kids themselves are mainly the ones complaining. Not that he tries to sabotage your game because he doesn't and I'll be the first to say that but because the way he treats them. As former players we all know there's a lot more that goes on behind the scenes than anyone will see on Friday night. I'm fortunate enough to have a big view of what goes on behind the scenes at GW and it's not what you'd think in most cases. I've said it before and I'll say it again if GW never wins another game yep I'll be sad but I'll still be on that hill. So for me it has nothing to do with W's and L's it has to do with kids that I have legitimate LOVE for telling me they can't stand to be around him. Some have left and some never will simply for the love of the game. But it is what it is saldy.
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I guess u gotta be from wythe to see that something just don't smell right. I'm not saying by any means fire the coach. Not at all. Just doesn't seem like the program can survive the direction that it's going!!! It's easy to blame the coach but a lot has changed in the last few months around wytheville. From the youth league on up
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I agree man I would support any coach that the kids get behind and support themselves. But in our particular situation the kids themselves are mainly the ones complaining. Not that he tries to sabotage your game because he doesn't and I'll be the first to say that but because the way he treats them. As former players we all know there's a lot more that goes on behind the scenes than anyone will see on Friday night. I'm fortunate enough to have a big view of what goes on behind the scenes at GW and it's not what you'd think in most cases. I've said it before and I'll say it again if GW never wins another game yep I'll be sad but I'll still be on that hill. So for me it has nothing to do with W's and L's it has to do with kids that I have legitimate LOVE for telling me they can't stand to be around him. Some have left and some never will simply for the love of the game. But it is what it is saldy.
I see where you are coming least some of your points. I don't know what is going on down there so I comment on it. I do think we as adults/parents need to gather the facts about an entire situation before acting. Kids will be kids..they always complain. I'm from the old school. Physical abuse I understand a parent saying something..emotional NOT SO MUCH. Emotional abuse as in a coach calling you soft or saying you are playing like a girl. Come on..AS LONG AS A COACH IS BUILDING AFTER THEIR CHOICE OF MOTIVATIONAL I'M GOOD WITH IT! Plus uncoachable kids will become unteachable, unproductive, unemployed ADULTS. Just my thoughts..
Couldn't agree more man we have amazing kids they are all good kids off the field. Not trouble makers not into a bunch of bs. But as I said it is what it is so we will all see in due time.
I guess u gotta be from wythe to see that something just don't smell right. I'm not saying by any means fire the coach. Not at all. Just doesn't seem like the program can survive the direction that it's going!!! It's easy to blame the coach but a lot has changed in the last few months around wytheville. From the youth league on up
That it has man we had a great guy running our youth leauge and he was forced out. So idk what the hell is going on all around but if this doesn't change GW will become an annual 5-5 or 4-6 team. It's that bad right now guys no loosing season in over 20 years and we are headed for the basement. The kids just don't want to play in the current system.
That man was apart of so many wythe county youth. He knew us all. He coordinated that program for many years. Sad to see how that mess played out! Then there is Sayers, I don't think he was forced out, but hate to see that guy step away from the program. With that said, u might be right about the future of your team? Who knows?
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Couldn't agree more man we have amazing kids they are all good kids off the field. Not trouble makers not into a bunch of bs. But as I said it is what it is so we will all see in due time.
It takes chemistry for any team to be somewhat successful and to be possibly great. Without it athletes will only get you so for. Don't know if this applies in this case but sure sounds like it might. ( adults have to create this. IMO