I agree Devils. TV in an earlier life was a recruiting advantage and teams like Notre Dame, OSU, Michigan, etc. who were media darlings had a significant advantage but, most kids expect to be on TV now. As you said, the coach says we played on TV and there is little need to differentiate Tues., Wed versus Sat. or ESPN versus ESPN3 Any real differentiation there is MIGHT come from the marquis/made for TV match ups but, exposure is exposure. The old college model has now trickled down to the HS level with ESPN searching for inventory. Virginia and DC have been involved to some extent but, HS football hotbeds(Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Texas, California, etc.) were more active earlier. It gets bigger each year though. I expect you are much more familiar with the economics of this new market than I am and how schools cover their expenses. I would guess for the HS it truly is more about exposure than money as long as they don't go too deep in the hole playing the game.