Colton Harlow from Stonewall Jackson

Dec 20, 2012
Colton picked a bad day to have a bad outing against Strasburg. He pitched a great first inning but Strasburg got to him in the second for two runs. They continued the onslaught against Harlow until he was pulled in the fourth. Harlow didn't have command of his breaking ball at all. From watching him play his whole career I think this was probably his worst outing and such a shame for a good kid and excellent ball player. I wish him well at JMU as that is where he is playing his college baseball. From a Strasburg Fan and Alum I must say it has been a pleasure to watch him grow into the ball player he is today. Stonewall is losing a excellent leader and all around kid.
I was always impressed with Harlow on the basketball court, so I am not surprised to hear that he would be a top-notch baseball player as well. Hope he does well at JMU.
Is Colton Harlow the son of Bill Harlow? I went to Bridgewater College with a Bill Harlow from that area and was curious if this is his son.

Regardless, sounds like a good kid.

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