Essex vs Altavista
Massey Essex 31 to 28 over Altavista
Calpreps Essex 28 to 26 over Altavista
Combined Computers Pick
Essex 29.5 over Altavista 27 with a 55.5% win chance
Rye Cove vs Grayson County
Massey GC over Rye Cove 28 to 22
Calpreps Rye Cove over GC 28 to 26
Combined Computers Pick
Grayson 27 to 25 over Rye Cove with a 51.5% win chance
Massey Essex 31 to 28 over Altavista
Calpreps Essex 28 to 26 over Altavista
Combined Computers Pick
Essex 29.5 over Altavista 27 with a 55.5% win chance
Rye Cove vs Grayson County
Massey GC over Rye Cove 28 to 22
Calpreps Rye Cove over GC 28 to 26
Combined Computers Pick
Grayson 27 to 25 over Rye Cove with a 51.5% win chance