Congratulation to Riverheads...

That’s a very good football team, congrats on a great season. I know Ashlock is going to be missed but you have a quality coaching staff that will have the Trojans back in this game next year. Really impressed with the adjustments made to the offense since KJ Damerons graduation.
Not a bad game the touchdown before half was blow in the game there was some fussing on the play but it was definitely a touchdown I didn’t see any pushing off on the play I was standing right on goal line
It was a td before half. I think jones was fussing because it looked like Smiley moved early on the play.
Essex's poor tackling technique caught up to them in this one. You gotta gang tackle those Riverheads kids cause they will shake off one or two guys attempting to bring them down by grabbing/reaching up high.
Those guys are scary strong man, I man rarely makes a solo tackle on there ball carriers.

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