Covid Postponement/Cancellation Question???


VaPreps Varsity
Aug 11, 2011
How are they handling these situations as far as "Power Points" & Win/Loss? If rules or procedures haven't already been laid out I think some need to be put into place. what if a team has 5 games cancelled due to Covid and can't make up the games? Do they forfeit those games or will they be allowed in the playoffs based on their Power point avg? This could be used as a strategy when it comes to seeding. Does anyone have any answers or suggestions on what should be done here? Perfect example is I heard that W&L 1st 2 games are cancelled or postponed this year due to a covid issue at that school. What if they run into another issue halfway thru the season? Just wondering what are the possible solutions.......
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According to their schedule, W&L has a bye week 2. I would assume if they forfeit the game due to Covid, that is a loss and West Point would get the win. I hope this is a trend that does not repeat itself all season.
Number of games a team must play to qualify for playoffs is set up by each region. That number has been set up. They have been under these same conditions for 3 seasons now.
By that I mean winter, fall, spring of last year. For instance, Region 3B last year football had to play at leat 3 of the 6 scheduled games. Other regions may vary. And last year, forfeits were used very rarely. Most often in playoffs where next round has to begin before quarantine would end.
By that I mean winter, fall, spring of last year. For instance, Region 3B last year football had to play at leat 3 of the 6 scheduled games. Other regions may vary. And last year, forfeits were used very rarely. Most often in playoffs where next round has to begin before quarantine would end.
Well Football would be a different case wouldn't it? there were only 5 games scheduled and this year there is 10 games scheduled. So I don't see how it would be in place unless they set up different rules for that season and this season. Just trying to get clarity thats all.
According to their schedule, W&L has a bye week 2. I would assume if they forfeit the game due to Covid, that is a loss and West Point would get the win. I hope this is a trend that does not repeat itself all season.
Well they only have 9 games scheduled at this point and if they don't make up the game it will 8 games unless they are given the forfeit.
How are they handling these situations as far as "Power Points" & Win/Loss? If rules or procedures haven't already been laid out I think some need to be put into place. what if a team has 5 games cancelled due to Covid and can't make up the games? Do they forfeit those games or will they be allowed in the playoffs based on their Power point avg? This could be used as a strategy when it comes to seeding. Does anyone have any answers or suggestions on what should be done here? Perfect example is I heard that W&L 1st 2 games are cancelled or postponed this year due to a covid issue at that school. What if they run into another issue halfway thru the season? Just wondering what are the possible solutions.......

There is a mechanism in place that was set by VHSL and directed to the district and regional schools. A diligent effort must be made by both teams to try to make the contest up. If the contest cannot be made up and a mutual agreement can be reached if the contest should be declared a no-contest or a forfeit, the decision will go to the district council (if it's a matchup between two district teams) or a regional council (if the matchup is between two teams from different regions). There, it will be determined by the council to render which team would be the forfeiting team.
This may be what your looking for:
The VHSL Executive Committee endorsed that visiting teams must adhere to the home school’s division policy regarding restrictions. If the visiting school refuses to play under the host school’s established division policy, the visiting team will forfeit the contest.

Additionally, the EC confirmed that if any postponed games were due to a COVID outbreak, both schools would make every effort to make up the game. However, if that fails, both schools can declare by mutual agreement no contest; or one team is allowed to pick up a new opponent; or the team with the COVID issue forfeits. Again, if they cannot mutually agree on any of these, the decision goes before a district or inter-district committee.

Should they not reach a mutual agreement, the following process kicks in:

  • if both schools are in the same district, a District Committee decides,
  • If schools are in different Districts, an Inter-district committee will decide the ruling. Handbook policy 32-1-1(2) gives the Chairman of the League the ability to appoint the committee.
Well Football would be a different case wouldn't it? there were only 5 games scheduled and this year there is 10 games scheduled. So I don't see how it would be in place unless they set up different rules for that season and this season. Just trying to get clarity thats all.
First off, all sports had 60% of schedule. So for football, there were 6 games scheduled. Again, every region sets who goes to regional playoffs in every sport. So check with your region. In region 3B last year, it was half of all games scheduled had to be completed to qualify for region playoffs. This is how Independence was able to skip their last 2 games and still go to playoffs, because they already had 4 completed contests.
I still see a lot of teams playing on short weeks and games being played on a Monday/Friday or Tuesday/Saturday type schedule. Just like teams did last year trying to make up covid delayed games. I can't remember the school, but last year one played something like 3-4 games in a 15 day period.