Covington and Bath Co. Head Jobs

Aug 10, 2011
Has Covington still not hired a new coach? There has to be some rumors floating around, I would think this is a job many would be interested in with all the athletes they have every year.

Secondly, I heard Coach Fields at Bath Co. has stepped down. Anyone else heard the same or could he possibly just be making a move to somewhere else?

Still a lot of jobs out there unfilled and its almost April. I know teaching positions are up in the air, but lets be real this is the $$$$$$ making position for athletics in most, if not all high schools, shouldn't take this long to hire someone.
Has Covington still not hired a new coach? There has to be some rumors floating around, I would think this is a job many would be interested in with all the athletes they have every year.

Secondly, I heard Coach Fields at Bath Co. has stepped down. Anyone else heard the same or could he possibly just be making a move to somewhere else?

Still a lot of jobs out there unfilled and its almost April. I know teaching positions are up in the air, but lets be real this is the $$$$$$ making position for athletics in most, if not all high schools, shouldn't take this long to hire someone.
Rodney Landreth would be an excellent choice for Bath Co. He is already on the staff. Many years of experience and a great football mind...
While it is true that football is the money maker athletically, many small schools can't pay a head coach enough to sign on blindly without a teaching position as well. That said, in my experience, there is already a short list of candidates and they powers that be know exactly what openings they will have. Schools find ways to get the people they want in the door. I've seen coaches hidden deep in special ed departments (as assistants, paper pushers, etc), teaching nothing but weightlifting and driver's ed, , heard of one being hired as "athletic groundskeeper", and even adding in a second ISS facilitator position. Then when the position they are suited for comes available they move into that. Don't be shocked if there is a coach in place by end of April, even if not formally announced.
I just realized that Fields stepped down. He would make an excellent coach somewhere (Covington maybe??).
I think coach Fields is going to Allegheny next year, but don't know if hes coaching. Someone said Covington was supposed to name a coach last night but haven't heard who yet or if they actually did.
That makes sense. He was at Alleghany before he went up to Bath, correct?
Chris Jones has been hired as head coach and assistant principal at Covington. He previously coached at Bath Co., Heritage, and Franklin County.