East Top 10 Boy's Soccer

Oct 9, 2009
Going to take a crack at this please feel free to add scores/record/big wins,losses
And this is just my opinion please feel free to add yours.

1.Riverhead I have them here because they are defending state champs 1A and well I have not heard anything else from them.
2.Northhampton Have not seen any scores from these guys either so any help would be great I know they have Rappahannock this Friday so that could be a possible East Region Final match up.
3. Rappahannock earlier this season I had them in a three way tie with Essex and Mathews well they own the spot now and if game with Northhampton is on for Friday could jump a spot or two by the end of the week.
4.Mathews very talented team played a scrimmage vs them earlier this season they looked good and even though they dropped a game vs Rapp. it was a tight one with the winner for Rapp not coming until late in the game.
5.Windsor still think they will be the number 2 team out of Conf with Northhampton but have not heard anything score wise.
6.West Point DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH in scrimmage I noticed these fellas only had maybe 14 players hopefully they got some folks back they should be the 2 team coming out of Conf with Mathews.
7.Essex very young but got plenty of time to Gel and work out the nerves should be 2 team to come out of Conf with Rappahanncok
8.Northumberland some early tough loses for a young team but that was against larger schools so could be the surprise team out of 43
9.Altivista any info on that conf would be great
10.Middlesex/ARGS either of these teams could possibly take down West Point and Windsor if injuries or drop in form hit.
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Good work WestmorelandFC. Thanks for working on a top 10.

It looks to be a more competitive year in 1A East soccer. We have 4-5 teams in the top tier (elite 1A level).

Multiple teams have good shots to make the regions. Last I counted there are about 23 soccer teams in 1A East so it is challenging to move up in the tier levels.

Rappahannock-Warsaw has a record of 5-0.

Rapp-Warsaw is the top team in the old Region A along with Northampton of the Eastern Shore. They play this Friday in Warsaw! Should be quite the battle and will determine who is the early big dog around the Far East region.

Recent local scores -

West Point defeated Mathews 2-1 last night to shake things up a tad. West Point usually is a East soccer power.

Essex defeated 2A King William 6-1 last night.

2A W&L defeated 4A Caroline at W&L 2-1 last night.

Last week, Northumberland lost to Caroline in overtime at Caroline at the end of the 2nd OT. Score was 4-3.
We play Middlesex Friday night or I would be in Warsaw to watch that one.
Very surprised at the West Point/Mathews score though did not see that one coming Great win for them and for Essex!
To compare with 1A West is difficult at this time. I really only see three (maybe four teams) being a factor at any one point in season.
1. Galax: They are going through some struggles right now, but the pieces are there.
2. George Wythe: Experience is key here. If these top two played today I would go with GW. I just think by the time they meet on 4/19 Galax will be much more potent.
3. Radford: I'm not too impressed with any word I am getting on the Bobcats. I hope to see them in action next week.
4. Honaker: This one is an enigma. They play a pretty isolated schedule, so there is very little apples to apples comparison.

That's all I see on this side of Roanoke. Also I'm no longer sold at Riverheads at the one spot in East. They may be building it together as well though; we will see in another week or two.
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I put Riverheads behind Northampton in my top 3 poll a few weeks ago. Riverheads still will be a contender as they remain a strong unit (top 5 as of now).

Riverheads had a rare superstar last year (plus another great player). A superstar with a play maker in any league can carry a team to greatness and titles. Both graduated. Players like that make the whole team look better. This season, Riverheads has already won a couple and lost one.

Winner of Northampton at Rapp-Warsaw battle in Warsaw is the top team as of now.
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correction on the big Rappahannock v Northampton match up - I had heard incorrectly it was to be played in Warsaw - was told today differently and checked schedule - game is on the Eastern Shore this Friday.

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