Essex Highlights from State Semi...

Essex Trojan1

VaPreps All District
Gold Member
May 17, 2009
Thanks to the 15 or so Seniors for some great football memories. The rest of the team, get those off season workouts in. You guys still gonna be a force to deal with next season.
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From the glimpses we got of the bleachers on this video, I can almost believe that 420 attendance figure. Wow!
From the glimpses we got of the bleachers on this video, I can almost believe that 420 attendance figure. Wow!
ptetty sad to have that low turnout. Not to surprised about Essex not have more fans. Other than a King William,Washington & Lee or Homecoming game, it's like that on any given Friday. I get 10 or more text a game from people wanting to know the score. Most don't show up to any games. Those are the ones I tend to ignore. I'll reply back to the ones I know who come but couldn't make it for some reason.
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Seems a lot of people are tore up over the attendance numbers and I agree their should have been more there, Galax usually travels fairly well but if you were expecting 1 to 2 thousand to show up from Galax that's not going to happen on a 5 hour trip. I think we had as many people at Burton as they did but that's just a guess. Should be a good crowd in Salem or at least I hope we do.
I can understand Galax numbers. Plus they were streaming the game at a venue in Galax that could of taken away from the numbers that came. The ones that did make the drive, cheered their butts off.
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You are correct in that the King William, W&L and homecoming games are the best draws although I didn't think the attendance for W&L this year was as strong as in past years.
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