fan participation

Louisa has always showed up as long as I can remember. Madison County has great fan support as well.
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i gotta give it up to the louisa fans they showed up in big numbers last night. there were more louisa fans than trojan fans and it was raucous. makes the whole experience worth the trip.
Great to hear as I did not experience that at LC Bird. I don't know if it was the first cold night of the season or what but I was shocked at the low number of fans that came out to Dutchman Field. To be such a proud program not even half the stands were filled. Disappointing to say the least.
Dinwiddie’s crowd was smaller than normal but still the toughest venue to play at in all of the 804. Very very good playoff atmosphere for a cold, damp Friday night. Varina/Huguenot and KG/Dinwiddie will be packed houses on Friday and Saturday afternoon.

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