Former AA players in college

Bryan Wallace from Clarke County is a Redshirt Freshmen D Tackle for Charlotte in Conf USA. Played vs. Clemson earlier in year. 1 win away from being bowl eligible. Has been getting more and more run as the year has gone and worked his way into a starter. Absolute stud. His accolades from high school could go for days with football and wrestling.

What I can think of from Appomattox off the top of my bald head, their position in college, the number they wore while at Appomattox.

Daniel Baldwin DL 54
Austin Pannell OL 57

Averett University
Tristen Hensely OL (I think) 64

Buster Henderson 20

Ferrum College
Robert Callaham (not sure on position) 21
Collen Shaw RB 17

Charleston University
Marquise Morgan TE 8
Philip Fleshman RB 5
Xavier Morgan OL (had to quit with knee issues but still with the team) 51

Howard University
Nick Farris Kicker and Punter 99

NC State
Devon Graves DB 14

Liberty University
Javon Scruggs DB 1

Marshall University
Brodie Williams Long/Short Snapper 22
Former Appo player Devon Graves is now starting at Cornerback for NC State as a sophomore. Also, former Graham standout Jerrod Richmond is the defensive captain at VMI. He's a senior and has started for two years at VMI on the defensive line.
Area brief: Bahamonde earns Liberty League's Special Teams POY

TROY, N.Y. — Clarke County High School graduate and Ithaca College freshmen kicker Nick Bahamonde was selected as the Liberty League Special Teams Player of the Year on Tuesday and a first team all-league selection.

Bahamonde converted 46 of 49 PAT’s and made 10 of 12 field goals with a long of 47 yards, the second-longest field goal in school history. He had 28 touchbacks and averaged 59.0 yards per kickoff. He also executed two successful onside kicks.

Bahamonde was part of an Ithaca team that is 8-2 overall and went 4-2 in the NCAA Division III Liberty League. The Bombers will play Washington & Jefferson at noon at home on Saturday in the ECAC Asa S. Bushnell Bowl.

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