I think the answer is a little bit of both. There is a bigger problem in Spotsylvania County and that is the School Board and School Administration (Central Office). The bottom line is they could care less about athletics. Case in point, the pay to play policy that was instituted a few years back. For a student to play it is $100 per sport. I have heard it has been reduced to 75 but regardless when a school system implements this (regardless of their excuse for why) it is a sign that sports no longer matter. To make matters worse there are no activity buses in the county anymore. So you have to pay to play and find your own transportation.
I realize that was off topic but If a school system doesn't care about sports then they could care less who the teams are that are getting transfers and if it is legit or not as long as they pay their fee. I am also curious as to how many school systems in Va charge to play?
I don't think what you said is off point at all. In fact, it is dead on. When administrations can't manage a budget any better than this "pay to play" policy indicates, then they are shameful. Athletics is not simply exercise. Anyone that doesn't understand how vital athletics, (in fact all extracurricular activities), are to the overall big picture of providing a quality education, should have nothing to do with secondary education.
3. Not off point at all. Although, I also would like to know if there are any other pay to play Districts in VA.I think the answer is a little bit of both. There is a bigger problem in Spotsylvania County and that is the School Board and School Administration (Central Office). The bottom line is they could care less about athletics. Case in point, the pay to play policy that was instituted a few years back. For a student to play it is $100 per sport. I have heard it has been reduced to 75 but regardless when a school system implements this (regardless of their excuse for why) it is a sign that sports no longer matter. To make matters worse there are no activity buses in the county anymore. So you have to pay to play and find your own transportation.
I realize that was off topic but If a school system doesn't care about sports then they could care less who the teams are that are getting transfers and if it is legit or not as long as they pay their fee. I am also curious as to how many school systems in Va charge to play?
I would agree with this, however, I have to ask a related question. Where are the residents/taxpayers and people of power in this decision making process? The Board of Supervisors and ultimately the taxpayers do have a say in how priorities are set in regards to programs and funding. While I do not believe there are many other pay to play localities in Virginia I am aware of some areas that have had these discussions in the past only to meet vocal opposition from the public at large which resulted in proposals dying before getting to vote. The pay to play issue has a variety of related tangents and once a system heads down that road I don't think you find many, if any, examples where the quality of the programs improves which is usually attributable to these tangential issues.I don't think what you said is off point at all. In fact, it is dead on. When administrations can't manage a budget any better than this "pay to play" policy indicates, then they are shameful. Athletics is not simply exercise. Anyone that doesn't understand how vital athletics, (in fact all extracurricular activities), are to the overall big picture of providing a quality education, should have nothing to do with secondary education.
When localities like Charles City County, and many of the far Southwest Counties can find a way to keep athletics going without an absurd "pay to play" policy, I can damn sure guarantee Spotsylvania County can.
So yeah, I can see why kids and parents can be lured away to surrounding localities.