Remember the Jubilee is more than baseball. Radford City and RU "bid" for the right to host the event, including track, tennis, girls softball, boys and girls soccer championships. Takes a monumental amount of effort and organization, and a group of folks that WANT to do it and have it in their location. I've seen posts here saying that VHSL should have baseball at a more central location..."they should be at JMU or Liberty" Problem is, one just cannot wave a wand and play the games anywhere they want. Making such statements is like folks that aren't satisfied with certain stores or resturants in their town. They might say "The Town should get us an Applebees or Cracker Barrel", as if you could just call up corporate and they would show up and build one. There's more to it than that as there needs to be a vested and interested sponsoring organization in charge as there is currently in Radford. This is a huge benefit to VHSL, having this many state finals in one location...and someone else basically to run it for them. The only other locality I see that might possibly want this is Salem, whom I believe has unsuccessfully bid against Radford in the past. Now if in the future with the divisional splits VHSL also splits up respective sports to different locations, than I could see baseball, for instance going to Liberty. This would be a shame, for some schools, fortunate and talented enough to have multiple teams involved in state finals (Woodgrove and Radford this year), players and fans from that community could see more than one of their teams participate.