pizzzzza VaPreps Hall of Famer Nov 9, 2001 38,549 1,536 113 Feb 11, 2019 #1 Lady’s Basketball: VA High 61 Marion 47 Final Lady’s Basketball: VA High 51 Marion 30 End 3rd Qtr Lady’s Basketball: VA High 30 Marion 18 Halftime Lady’s Basketball: VA High 9 Marion 7 End 1st Qtr
Lady’s Basketball: VA High 61 Marion 47 Final Lady’s Basketball: VA High 51 Marion 30 End 3rd Qtr Lady’s Basketball: VA High 30 Marion 18 Halftime Lady’s Basketball: VA High 9 Marion 7 End 1st Qtr
pizzzzza VaPreps Hall of Famer Nov 9, 2001 38,549 1,536 113 Feb 11, 2019 #2 With the win tonight the Bearcats will take on Lebanon tomorrow night at Marion Senior HS at 6pm for in a 1 game playoff to determine the SWD regular season champion
With the win tonight the Bearcats will take on Lebanon tomorrow night at Marion Senior HS at 6pm for in a 1 game playoff to determine the SWD regular season champion