Gmen been eatin pickles this week


VaPreps Rookie
Oct 13, 2019
They lettin em go 2 tha chow hall but only serv em up pickles. That ain't no kind of meal and u can't get full on pickles bro! Datz all they lettin em have thow. 1 Gman ask for a hotdog and lady told em get his arse up on out of thar. Gmen coming into Union hongry dog! The Barz r getting fed but word is they holding back viddles on da Barz 2 so da Barz coming in gainst Gmen hungry 2. Both of em put votes in weaks ago 4 ringz an both hungry so sumthins got 2 giv. Dedazzz!
They lettin em go 2 tha chow hall but only serv em up pickles. That ain't no kind of meal and u can't get full on pickles bro! Datz all they lettin em have thow. 1 Gman ask for a hotdog and lady told em get his arse up on out of thar. Gmen coming into Union hongry dog! The Barz r getting fed but word is they holding back viddles on da Barz 2 so da Barz coming in gainst Gmen hungry 2. Both of em put votes in weaks ago 4 ringz an both hungry so sumthins got 2 giv. Dedazzz!
youve been eating too many snicker bars upside down. veiny texture on one side and smooth and creamy on the other. ooopsy, im not making sense let me start again. 'moove bin aiting 2 money chiqkar bahs on dah dwn slope. crackers and robbers slopping slugs past midnight. drop in a barrell of snot. On another note, heater with the skeeter down at the drag of knee pad slopping slugs.
All those pickles should help with cramping 😂 but definitely still leave hangry pains if that’s all you’re eatin’ -maybe GMen trap ‘em a bear Saturday.