Gretna 62 Chatham 3 halftime

Gretna has had JV in most of the second half and even they scoring everytime they touch the ball even right up the middle. Only thing left for Gretna coach to do is take knees. Done lost track on how many fumbles Chatham has. Seems like everytime they touch it.
lol...he'll run it up when he can. Some JV might have come in late in the 3rd but it was still starters in. Chatham must have played with a greased ball tonite cause they damn sure couldn't hold on to it. Gretna scored 28 points in the first half off turnovers. Chatham should save gas next week and stay home.
I could not believe how any of the Chatham fans feel tonight. This score is going to get a lot of media attention
Most of it was just extremely bad luck for Chatham. Gretna would score on one to three handoffs. Chatham would get ball and fumble first play and Gretna would pick it up for score. Gretna picked up four fumbles and scored in first half.

Not difficult to control a score

It is very tough if your JV is scoring on up the middle runs. That's as conservative as you can get and you can't expect a team to take a knee. That's not fair to the JV kids or the opponent. Also, if the opponent is turning over one out of every three plays and a 9th or 10th grade JV kid scores the next play in a simple dive play off tackle, that's not the coaches fault.

We often think the JV players are automatically not as good as the other teams varsity, and that view is simply not always the case. Gretna runs about as conservative of an offense as you can finnin 2A Virginia. I suspect they didn't try to run it up and tried to control it, but sometimes even coaches can't control it.
Didn't see game. But 63-0 at halftime, starting skill position players should take pads off at halftime, and not set foot on field in 2nd half.
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Gretna has had JV in most of the second half and even they scoring everytime they touch the ball even right up the middle. Only thing left for Gretna coach to do is take knees. Done lost track on how many fumbles Chatham has. Seems like everytime they touch it.
Hard to believe if they scored 63 before half that JV guys were scoring every time they touched the ball. I guess Gretna is still compensating for all those years where they lost a lot of games. I see absolutely 0 explanation where 83 is anything more than a classless display of running it up. Honestly starters probably had no business playing more than a quarter but, what goes around comes around.
I was told some starters were still playing in 4th quarter. Was a time out was called just before halftime when score was 56-0.
They had 62 with five minutes to go before half. The rest of game which is over half a game was 21-9 with one of those an int that set up one of those tds in second half. The jv running backs scored both the tds in second half. Chathams five fumbles and two interceptions led to six ofGretnas tds, in which the defense scored five. Above just laying down on the field don’t know what else they could have done.
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If they were trying to run it up shame on them.
If they couldn’t help but score..... you don’t tell your twos and threes to lay back. You tell them to go play their hearts out.
No issues with a team pouring it on before the half or calling a time out.
Your headed into playoffs and situational football should be played at least up until half time.
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I was told some starters were still playing in 4th quarter. Was a time out was called just before halftime when score was 56-0.

If your kicker kicks an extra point in the fourth qtr, then technically your "starters" are playing in the fourth quarter, and one fan can take that statement and run with it.
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If your kicker kicks an extra point in the fourth qtr, then technically your "starters" are playing in the fourth quarter, and one fan can take that statement and run with it.
And I have no problem with that either.
You might need a pressure field goal in the playoffs and ANY chance toward the end of season to work on that is a good thing.
I was told starting QB played 4th quarter. This would have been excellent opportunity to get backup QB a lot of snaps
all backup QBs are always 1 play away from being the starter.
I was told some starters were still playing in 4th quarter. Was a time out was called just before halftime when score was 56-0.
My son plays for Gretna and I was embarrassed. Coach Simpsons called a timeout late in the second quarter up 56-0 to force Chatham to punt while they were trying to run the ball to get to halftime. We ended up scoring another TD. On Chatham's next possession Coach Simpsons did it again and this time Chahtham broke a long run and ended up getting a field goal before halftime. Simpsons deserved that happening.

We only had 3 possessions in the second half. The first one was all starters. The second and third drives we used backup RBs but kept the starting OL, TE, and QB in. The dirtiest part of the game that hasn't been mentioned was kicking onside when up 28-0 and Chatham hadn't gained but one first down all game. It just seemed like all game that Coach Simpsons really had it out for Chatham for some reason. I noticed defense was mostly starters the whole game. Jordan Berger, one of our star RBs, was still playing defense at the end of the 4th quarter. I was worried about him getting hurt this game right before the playoffs start. We need Jordan healthy so we can win this state title! If he'd of gotten hurt playing while we were up 83-3 i would've never forgiven Simpsons.
My son plays for Gretna and I was embarrassed. Coach Simpsons called a timeout late in the second quarter up 56-0 to force Chatham to punt while they were trying to run the ball to get to halftime. We ended up scoring another TD. On Chatham's next possession Coach Simpsons did it again and this time Chahtham broke a long run and ended up getting a field goal before halftime. Simpsons deserved that happening.

We only had 3 possessions in the second half. The first one was all starters. The second and third drives we used backup RBs but kept the starting OL, TE, and QB in. The dirtiest part of the game that hasn't been mentioned was kicking onside when up 28-0 and Chatham hadn't gained but one first down all game. It just seemed like all game that Coach Simpsons really had it out for Chatham for some reason. I noticed defense was mostly starters the whole game. Jordan Berger, one of our star RBs, was still playing defense at the end of the 4th quarter. I was worried about him getting hurt this game right before the playoffs start. We need Jordan healthy so we can win this state title! If he'd of gotten hurt playing while we were up 83-3 i would've never forgiven Simpsons.
Simpson still holds a grudge that he didn't get the Chatham coaching job years ago.
With that description of the game and how much starters played, he should be suspended. Other coaches are now getting suspended for running up the score. I am fine with scores like this IF starters are not playing and it is two's and three's are playing hard and run plays. It is difficult to score 80+ points, especially with a running clock.

My issue is the fact that starters were playing this long into a game that was in control. Coaches need to remember that on the field and other sideline are young men who are playing the game that we all love. They are 14-18 year old kids who are giving it their all. When you beat a team like that you are also demoralizing and embarrassing those young men.

Coach Simpson has a grudge against Chatham and he has stated before that if he had the chance to put 100 up on them he would. He came close, but wasn't able to do so. The one thing he did do, was solidify himself as a classless act.
Sounds like a run up!
Why cant I stay out of this arguement? Oh well here goes. Most of my response will be emotional and not intellectual. First of all to HR6. I noticed that all three of your post started with " I was told ". Which means that you were not there. Secondly we know that you hold a grudge against Coach Simpson because he made a change with game filming and you were ousted.
This idea that one can make all starters take off their pads at halftime is interesting. Wonder if Nick Saban would agree with that when he " runs it up " against those cup cake teams on Bamas schedule.
Why cant I stay out of this arguement? Oh well here goes. Most of my response will be emotional and not intellectual. First of all to HR6. I noticed that all three of your post started with " I was told ". Which means that you were not there. Secondly we know that you hold a grudge against Coach Simpson because he made a change with game filming and you were ousted.
This idea that one can make all starters take off their pads at halftime is interesting. Wonder if Nick Saban would agree with that when he " runs it up " against those cup cake teams on Bamas schedule.
Another thought. Chatham girls basketball coach a few years ago " ran it up " on Gretna girls by leaVING STUDS IN GAME WELL AFTER OUTCOME WAS NO LONGER IN DOUBT AND THEY KEPT THE PEDAL ON THE FLOOR WHILE OUT THERE. Where was the outrage and calls of no class then? I remember a first round baseball game some years back when Chatham beat Gretna something like 34 to 3 maybe. Chatham coach coached his team hard as he should have and kept playing good baseball. He did not let up nor should he. And when he put in subs late in the game they were coached hard and the subs played hard. Should there have been outrage??????? Like I said my response is more emotional than intellectual and if I offended anyone it is not intentional.

I'm just going off what was said about leaving starting lineman in. I really have no idea what happened just what I read on here.
I started off defending them if they were just "finding scores" or scoring with backups.

Appomattox was criticized some years back for the same thing. Coach played a few seniors in different positions at times (such as a nose guard at RB since he played there in youth) just to give them one last chance in their senior year. They scored on a break away....

I hope he didn't try to run it up but I don't know.
Gretna will be a tough out I believe.

I'm just going off what was said about leaving starting lineman in. I really have no idea what happened just what I read on here.
I started off defending them if they were just "finding scores" or scoring with backups.

Appomattox was criticized some years back for the same thing. Coach played a few seniors in different positions at times (such as a nose guard at RB since he played there in youth) just to give them one last chance in their senior year. They scored on a break away....

I hope he didn't try to run it up but I don't know.
Gretna will be a tough out I believe.
You said nothing wrong Bob. I always read your posts. I just flew a little hot. Sometimes coaches may run it up and I will leave it up to those coaches who do it to defend their actions. Coach Simpson included. I remember Bobby Bowden responding to a critic about Fla St throwing the ball late in a game and his response was something like we are a passing program and we dont recruit QBs to hand the ball off. LOL. Another issue with these games is this. Suppose Gretna makes wholesale changes at halftime as was suggested. You have 11 subs on O and 11 subs on D. If Chatham leaves their starters in the game and they hang 40 or fifty on Gretna what would the pundits say. Not saying this is reaLISTIC BUT SOME FORM OF THIS COULD HAPPEN. Has happenned.
You said nothing wrong Bob. I always read your posts. I just flew a little hot. Sometimes coaches may run it up and I will leave it up to those coaches who do it to defend their actions. Coach Simpson included. I remember Bobby Bowden responding to a critic about Fla St throwing the ball late in a game and his response was something like we are a passing program and we dont recruit QBs to hand the ball off. LOL. Another issue with these games is this. Suppose Gretna makes wholesale changes at halftime as was suggested. You have 11 subs on O and 11 subs on D. If Chatham leaves their starters in the game and they hang 40 or fifty on Gretna what would the pundits say. Not saying this is reaLISTIC BUT SOME FORM OF THIS COULD HAPPEN. Has happenned.
PS. I did some research and found out that Chatham beat Gretna 63-0 during the Prunty tenure I believe. HMNNNNN ! May not have been Prunty but during that time.
PS. I did some research and found out that Chatham beat Gretna 63-0 during the Prunty tenure I believe. HMNNNNN ! May not have been Prunty but during that time.
That was in 1993 score was 68 to 0. Brumfield was HC.
2003 10/10 Chatham 56 0 W 1 Away Chatham Bob Senseney
2004 10/15 Chatham 61 12 W 1 Home Gretna Bob Senseney
2005 10/28 Chatham 35 34 W 1 Home Gretna Chris Thurman
2005 11/18 Chatham 27 34 L 1 Home Gretna Chris Thurman playoff at Gretna
2006 10/30 Chatham 43 14 W 1 Away Chatham Chris Thurman
2007 10/12 Chatham 56 14 W 1 Away Chatham Chris Thurman
2008 10/10 Chatham 69 0 W 1 Home Gretna Lester Bond Field Chris Thurman
2009 11/6 Chatham 52 0 W 1 Home Gretna Lester Bond Field Kevin Saunders
2010 11/5 Chatham 42 0 W 1 Away Chatham Kevin Saunders
2011 10/14 Chatham 49 0 W 1 Away Chatham Kevin Saunders
2012 10/12 Chatham 39 35 W 1 Home Gretna Lester Bond Field Kevin Saunders
2013 9/27 Chatham 28 20 W 1 Home Gretna Lester Bond Field Kevin Saunders
2014 9/26 Chatham 20 31 L 1 Away Chatham Cole Simpson
2015 9/28 Chatham 46 0 W 1 Away Chatham Cole Simpson
2016 9/23 Chatham 45 38 W 1 Home Gretna Lester Bond Field Cole Simpson
2017 9/22 Chatham 60 14 W 1 Away Chatham Cole Simpson
2018 9/21 Chatham 70 0 W 1 Home Gretna Lester Bond Field Cole Simpson
2019 11/8 Chatham 83 9 W 1 Away Chatham Cole Simpson

[1] 1,619 833 41 20 1 .669
26.11 13.44 12.68
That was in 1993 score was 68 to 0. Brumfield was HC.
2003 10/10 Chatham 56 0 W 1 Away Chatham Bob Senseney
2004 10/15 Chatham 61 12 W 1 Home Gretna Bob Senseney
2005 10/28 Chatham 35 34 W 1 Home Gretna Chris Thurman
2005 11/18 Chatham 27 34 L 1 Home Gretna Chris Thurman playoff at Gretna
2006 10/30 Chatham 43 14 W 1 Away Chatham Chris Thurman
2007 10/12 Chatham 56 14 W 1 Away Chatham Chris Thurman
2008 10/10 Chatham 69 0 W 1 Home Gretna Lester Bond Field Chris Thurman
2009 11/6 Chatham 52 0 W 1 Home Gretna Lester Bond Field Kevin Saunders
2010 11/5 Chatham 42 0 W 1 Away Chatham Kevin Saunders
2011 10/14 Chatham 49 0 W 1 Away Chatham Kevin Saunders
2012 10/12 Chatham 39 35 W 1 Home Gretna Lester Bond Field Kevin Saunders
2013 9/27 Chatham 28 20 W 1 Home Gretna Lester Bond Field Kevin Saunders
2014 9/26 Chatham 20 31 L 1 Away Chatham Cole Simpson
2015 9/28 Chatham 46 0 W 1 Away Chatham Cole Simpson
2016 9/23 Chatham 45 38 W 1 Home Gretna Lester Bond Field Cole Simpson
2017 9/22 Chatham 60 14 W 1 Away Chatham Cole Simpson
2018 9/21 Chatham 70 0 W 1 Home Gretna Lester Bond Field Cole Simpson
2019 11/8 Chatham 83 9 W 1 Away Chatham Cole Simpson

[1] 1,619 833 41 20 1 .669
26.11 13.44 12.68
Interesting. Thanks for the info. Do you have scores for baseball. I know we have not beat them in years. Also do you have football scores from brumfield thru Prunty years.
I do not see what the big stink is about. First off everyone knows I can’t stand this coach from Gretna and would be the last to defend him. Secondly the only thing I could see issue with is he shouldn’t have been trying to call timeout with a minute to go from half up 62. But that backfired and Chatham got a field goal before half. Do not buy into should pull players in first half. If you can’t compete that much in just first half that’s not other teams problem and just don’t play the game if starters have to sit about whole game. No team should ever have to pull players first half. Starters played first series in second half and since they are almost all seniors have no problem with them getting one Aries in second half of last regular season game. QB stayed in and just handed ball off to all new backs, never seen another qb run the wing t so probably reason he stayed. Also a good point no one has mentioned. Last time I counted minus injured players there is only about 30 to 31 players dressed on our sideline. Once you take 22 players out that see starting time, there is not but 9-10 players left you can put in. I think it’s funny, being from around here, that all I heard first few weeks after Chatham was 4-0 against four opponents with combined record of 2-38 was how they were going beat us this year. I would just laugh it off and go on and now have to hear how unsportsmanlike Gretna is. Boy how their attitude changed. I’ve been wanting to see that old school Gretna football coming at you. I just want to see him play the same way, onside kicks and such when we playing competition.
I do not see what the big stink is about. First off everyone knows I can’t stand this coach from Gretna and would be the last to defend him. Secondly the only thing I could see issue with is he shouldn’t have been trying to call timeout with a minute to go from half up 62. But that backfired and Chatham got a field goal before half. Do not buy into should pull players in first half. If you can’t compete that much in just first half that’s not other teams problem and just don’t play the game if starters have to sit about whole game. No team should ever have to pull players first half. Starters played first series in second half and since they are almost all seniors have no problem with them getting one Aries in second half of last regular season game. QB stayed in and just handed ball off to all new backs, never seen another qb run the wing t so probably reason he stayed. Also a good point no one has mentioned. Last time I counted minus injured players there is only about 30 to 31 players dressed on our sideline. Once you take 22 players out that see starting time, there is not but 9-10 players left you can put in. I think it’s funny, being from around here, that all I heard first few weeks after Chatham was 4-0 against four opponents with combined record of 2-38 was how they were going beat us this year. I would just laugh it off and go on and now have to hear how unsportsmanlike Gretna is. Boy how their attitude changed. I’ve been wanting to see that old school Gretna football coming at you. I just want to see him play the same way, onside kicks and such when we playing competition.
Mr Nation I like your post. I havent always agreed with you on football issues but on this there is some common ground. Many teams in our area with Gretna being one have a limited number of players to start with. So the idea of mass subs is not realistic. Gretna did make substitutions but not all at once. The QB does play the entire game but usually does not pass nor run when the game is not in doubt. I said usually. Friday night was a perfect storm. Everything Gretna did smelled of roses and most of what Chatham did smelled of well you know what. Even after some Chatham turnovers they got nailed with penalties to add insult to injury.
I do not see what the big stink is about. First off everyone knows I can’t stand this coach from Gretna and would be the last to defend him. Secondly the only thing I could see issue with is he shouldn’t have been trying to call timeout with a minute to go from half up 62. But that backfired and Chatham got a field goal before half. Do not buy into should pull players in first half. If you can’t compete that much in just first half that’s not other teams problem and just don’t play the game if starters have to sit about whole game. No team should ever have to pull players first half. Starters played first series in second half and since they are almost all seniors have no problem with them getting one Aries in second half of last regular season game. QB stayed in and just handed ball off to all new backs, never seen another qb run the wing t so probably reason he stayed. Also a good point no one has mentioned. Last time I counted minus injured players there is only about 30 to 31 players dressed on our sideline. Once you take 22 players out that see starting time, there is not but 9-10 players left you can put in. I think it’s funny, being from around here, that all I heard first few weeks after Chatham was 4-0 against four opponents with combined record of 2-38 was how they were going beat us this year. I would just laugh it off and go on and now have to hear how unsportsmanlike Gretna is. Boy how their attitude changed. I’ve been wanting to see that old school Gretna football coming at you. I just want to see him play the same way, onside kicks and such when we playing competition.
I'm sure Gretna has some players starting both ways...
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I'm sure Gretna has some players starting both ways...
Not many. Have four players see time on both sides of the ball but they don’t play whole game on both sides. Coach has players that play about half time with starters so them four players get rest. Actually this is first year in awhile anyone went both ways.