I don't think Gretna fans Care if you take him or not .I bet there praying you take him back.
Why would you want him? He's done nothing at Gretna even though he has talent......confusing post.
If you want him then you surely can have him at GW. Coach beard has to be the porrest excuse for a coach i have ever seen on the high school level. Not sure he would make a good rec. league coach much less a high school coach............
Talent? Last "real" basketball player Gretna had was Joe McGee and Dip Pannell but they had absolutely no help. What team have you been watching? Bennett is good but he's no true basketball player.
You dont have to have a ton of talent to win in basketball, but you do need some discipline and teach fundamentals. This Gretna bunch has none of that and that is because they aren't taught any and the last time I checked, that is coaching. I have seen many basketball games won by teams that are less talented than their opponents, they had coaching. Troy Wells and Mike Cartolaro both have at least 100 career coaching wins over more talented teams. It is an absolute joke what the program has become.
100% agree with ShootingDa3. Altavista made it's mark in the late 90s through early 2000s beating teams WAY more athletic/talented then them. Coaching!

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