GW-30 JF-30 Halftime

GW will be back next year and will be a top 3 4a team. Coach Parker took his whole JV team from a year ago and led them to be a top 10 4a team. Very very very good season after losing 11 to graduation. We have some young warriors in Danville. Proud Danvillian here! Good luck to JF in the state tournament! That’s a heck of a team!
GW will be back next year and will be a top 3 4a team. Coach Parker took his whole JV team from a year ago and led them to be a top 10 4a team. Very very very good season after losing 11 to graduation. We have some young warriors in Danville. Proud Danvillian here! Good luck to JF in the state tournament! That’s a heck of a team!

The fact that they went as far as they did, just screams success next year. Great season for the Eagles.
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Great game to JF and GW BOTH played an awesome game. The officials were terrible last night. Their minds were in the stand more than the court. They get paid to call the BASKETBALL game and not to stop a game to tell fans to stay seated in the stands. They knew the game was going to be intensed if they couldn't handle they should have sent another crew. However, because of the stage that it put them on they wanted the game. Everyone is saying "on GW court" we don't have home cooking we just play good basketball but when I saw who the officials were and where they came from I knew we were not getting any calls. Film will be reviewed and possibly sent to VHSL. My guys had a great season only to be stript of anything possible because of other agendas. We will bounce back!! Congratulations to Jefferson Forest and wish you much success throughout the rest of your season.
Other than congratulating JF the rest of your post is a non starter, in my opinion. You need to set a mature example for your kids and leveling complaints at officials on a message board falls short of that standard. Your current post will not make it any easier for you or your team going forward. Fact of the matter is there are proper channels to offer your observations and complaints and this message board is not even remotely close to a proper channel. I commend your for wanting to work with the kids and wish you luck in the future, however, it seems to me that both you and your team still have some growing up to do.
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At the end of the day your opinion is your opinion and mine is mine. I appreciate your thought. Good officiating make for a good game and bad for a bad game.
A game, good or bad, is dependent on how the players and the coaches respond to the circumstances at hand. You should reread your post above again and consider one additional question. You say you knew when you saw who the officials were you were not getting any calls, does that attitude consciously or subconsciously affect your players before you even step on the floor?
I teach my guys to play above officials. Once again this was my thoughts never mentioned to my guys. They fought to the end
Hence the reference to subconscious. Kids are perceptive and pick up on things that do not not necessarily have to be said. I am not questioning your kids fight or your right to your opinions. I am merely pointing out that as a coach your actions are observed, often times from multiple and unconsidered angles, and those actions may have unintended or unconsidered consequences.

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