GW-55 FC-38 FINAL!!!!


VaPreps All District
Aug 30, 2012
Smith to Repass from 45 yards out. FC started the game with the ball and GW completely shut them down and forced a 3 and out. GW took their opening drive and right down the field with ease and hit the home run from 45 yards out.
GW is absolutely living in FCs backfield at the moment. We shut down their second possession and on the punt FC fakes it and gets their first 1st down of the game.
GW-7 FC-6 1st Q after the fake punt FC get shut again but refs call some extremely questionable penalties against GW. Those allowed FC to score from 2 yards out. Not complaining but those flags just didn't seem right.
GW-14 FC-6 2nd Q 11:03 Smith from 2 yards out GW took its first play after the KO right up the gut for 65 yards. We punched it in 5 plays later. GW is absolutely gashing FC right now and our D is shutting them down except for the fake punt and the short score. And my lord this pa announcer is beyond annoying he is losing his mind any time FC has even a slightly positive play haha.
GW-21 FC-6 2nd Q 6:20 Smith to Repass again from 38 yards out this time. And this play came after GW got the honor of being the first team I've seen to get a 17 yard holding penalty against them.
GW-21 FC-13 2nd Q 5:23 #7 takes it 29 yards for the score. Is what it is but this may be the worst ref crew I've seen in an extremely long time. FC was given a 1st down after the ball was spotted 2 while yards short and a few more questionable penalties.
GW-28 FC-13 2nd Q 2:50 Smith to the #3 Rainey this time from 36 yards out. GW is blowing FC off the ball every play on both sides besides the 2 long plays FC has they've been shut down.
These refs a garbage I don't complain about them much but my lord this crew is just sad. They called GW for another hold to take another TD off the scoreboard just before the half. This game should be 35-13 right now idk what game these guys are watching but it's not this one.
GW-28 FC-20 3rd Q #7 from about 50 yards out mainly because the ref threw a better block than any FC player has tonight. So Smith ran him flat over hahahahaha.
I got no dog in this fight, but looks like some one sided officiating against GW.
Man it's pretty bad GW is clear and away the much much better team. FC has had some big plays but GW is absolutely destroying them on the lines. But the refs are just horrible wrong spots, penalties that are supposed to be 10 are 17 now, holding calls when no one was near the guy that one took a TD away. And right now literally just happened GW 25 yard run called back for holding and neither team had players where the flag was thrown.
And no one can say I'm BSing the game is love on NFHS now and will be up tomorrow for a reply. Just watch it tomorrow it's sad lol and the FC TD this Q was scored cause the ref ran flat into Smith and the kid got away. But thankfully Smith ran him over so I'll take it lol.
GW-41 FC-32 4th Q #7 again he is all FC has period. But another long play this one comes after he fumbled it the play before and GW clearly recovered it but the womderf refs said he was down. That's hard to do when you're standing up and the ball is on the ground but he somehow did lol.
Thankfully he's up and being helped off the field too be taken care of. Hopefully it's nothing to serious.
GW-48 FC-38 4th Q for the first time tonight FC ran a play that was actually pretty nice. A fake reverse pass that scored from 50+ out. All of their plays that have scored have been big 1 play shots.
GW-55 FC-38 4th Q Rainey again this time from about 25-30 yards out. Both the Rainey kids have stepped up big in place of Houston.
GW-14 FC-6 2nd Q 11:03 Smith from 2 yards out GW took its first play after the KO right up the gut for 65 yards. We punched it in 5 plays later. GW is absolutely gashing FC right now and our D is shutting them down except for the fake punt and the short score. And my lord this pa announcer is beyond annoying he is losing his mind any time FC has even a slightly positive play haha.
And you blame the refs any time Fc has a positive play so there is that
And you blame the refs any time Fc has a positive play so there is that
Well like I said the whole game is on NFHS for anyone to watch so it's clear as day majority of positive plays for FC the refs had some hand in. By either digging them out of a hole or literally blocking our LB on a TD. Yeah they had a couple plays that were just good plays but most the refs were involved in. Either way I really don't care GW won and proved who the better team is so it's on to the next.