GW vs Bland Thoughts


VaPreps All District
Aug 30, 2012
This week MY MAROONS welcome the Bland Bears to GW for the first time in a very long time and this will be the first time I've seen GW play Bland. This game has the making to be something very special and fun for the fans. Bland started the season 5-0 and finished 7-3 after some hard games against some really good teams. Then they had some misfortune hit them but the kids of Bland showed up and proved many wrong including myself with a big win over PH. GW lost to a very good Radford team to open the season and finished 9-1 after coming to play in most of the games. This game is very interesting to me Bland has no quit in them and GW has so much talent we can keep up in any game just off that. We have the ability to score at anytime with all of our skill players or put a long drive together and eat clock. I think this will be a game of who wants it more and who makes the other team change the way they play. It's no secret that GW should be bigger faster and have more depth but that doesn't really seem to bother the Bears all that much. Can GW stop Blands straight up running game and stop the imo freshmen stand out QB from passing all night? And can Bland stop GW from getting the edge and opening holes up the middle all night. With all of this said I gotta go with MY MAROONS GW-42 Bland-21
Safe travels to all heading to GW this Friday and guys again this one will be worth the price of the ticket it was the last time I said it would be.
Hey guys, this is a game of David vs Goliath. You know who is David, and you know who is Goliath.We know what the outcome was in the Bible, but using that simbolic event on a football game may not be fitting, or it could very well be just the event we are staring at Friday night in Wytheville.
Blaster summarized the two teams very well. But you have to throw in the intangibles. There are many clichés that characterise this game. I'll give you one: it's not is size of the dog in thefight, it's the size of the fight in the dog. We have all heard that one, but that may very well apply to Bland when the Bears take the field.
I will say this; Bland has nothing to lose Friday. They are the underdog. Pressure to perform goes to GW, not the Bears. Those My Friends are the intangibles. My goodness I could go on and on, but I will quit now and give it a rest.
For you two guys, Backer and Blaster I have the deepest respect for both of you. Best of luck guys. Both of you are winners in my book! Good luck My Friends.
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Hey Mt Fan, you are right, GW should roll in this one. GW has the complete package for a small high school football team. I Think Blaster has already pretty well covered that. But dog gone it, Bland has all the components to pull off the upset. It should not even be conceivable, but it is out there, for Bland, if they want it, and I am sure they do. The cards would have to fall in place for this to happen, but one never knows. It games like this that make high school football so great.
Not a knock on GW but I'm pulling for Bland and what I've seen from both teams I don't see it happening unless GW doesn't show up and everything goes just right for Bland. Good luck to both teams.
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The main thing that worries me is we got up 21 on rr like we were alone on the field then harner just kinda slowed the team down with draws and dives. I guess he thought rr would just quit and say hey youre GW game over and they didn't like they never do. So after a half of us shutting them down and trying not to score the came out a different team in the second half. So what I'm saying is if we get a good lead on Bland then we need to try and keep it and play to win don't play not to lose like he tries to do every time we get a big lead. Bland will not quit they will fight all night no matter what.
Hey guys, this is a game of David vs Goliath. You know who is David, and you know who is Goliath.We know what the outcome was in the Bible, but using that simbolic event on a football game may not be fitting, or it could very well be just the event we are staring at Friday night in Wytheville.
Blaster summarized the two teams very well. But you have to throw in the intangibles. There are many clichés that characterise this game. I'll give you one: it's not is size of the dog in thefight, it's the size of the fight in the dog. We have all heard that one, but that may very well apply to Bland when the Bears take the field.
I will say this; Bland has nothing to lose Friday. They are the underdog. Pressure to perform goes to GW, not the Bears. Those My Friends are the intangibles. My goodness I could go on and on, but I will quit now and give it a rest.
For you two guys, Backer and Blaster I have the deepest respect for both of you. Best of luck guys. Both of you are winners in my book! Good luck My Friends.
Same to you my man many on here think I just post to make people mad and that I'm an ass but the truth of it is I'm a hard core GW fan and a football fan in general. I say what I believe about the games I go to watch or about teams I've seen and most don't like the complete honesty lol. Nothing I say is to down a team or a kid it may seem like that but that is never the case I respect the sport and the player to much. Chilwar will you be at GW this Friday?
Hey Blaster, it is very difficult for me to sit out in this night air because of my medical problems. I will probably take it to the old radio at home and listen left to right on the dial. If I go, I will go to the press box and have you paged.
Yep Blaster, it is folks like you that make these boards interesting. We all love the game and the kids who play, but from time to time we want to pull our hair out when we see our coach run the same play 6 times in a row, or not change the defense when we see three of our defensive players get driven 10 yds off the line. We like to see the unexpected, both on O, and D. THAT, My Friend, is what makes the game, a game!
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I'll be listening for that page this Friday, If you cant make it I hope Danny G makes it interesting haha and I do my best lol I'm not everyone's cup of tea but hey I'm me to the core a lot don't accept that haha.
Well, hey I was just trying to decide whether or not to post directions on how to make a turkey call with a solo cup. I am serious about it, and it's no knock against VA TECH. Have you seen one? Man what a noise the thing makes. It an old thing that has been out there for many years. I was at a football game at Carroll Co many years ago, and the PA guy had one, and he was using it over the PA. The crowd went wild. If you want me to tell you how to make the turkey call, let me know. I am serious, and it does sound like the loudest turkey you ever heard. And you thought what?
Turkey Call:
You only need 3 things. First is a red solo cup. Second is a piece of course thread, about a yard long. Third is a button, about the size of a nickle.
OK, now punch a small hole in the bottom of the solo cup, just small enough for the string or thread to fit through the hole.
Now, insert the thread through the hole. It must fit snug.
Next, tie the string/thread to the outside bottom of the cup to the button.
Next, pull the string through the cup with one hand, while holding the cup with your other hand.
Pull the string gently at first, until you get the desired sound. Practice. You can pull
It slowly at first, or speed up the pulling for a more destressing sound.
Try it. It works. Let me know your results. Hey it is great at ball games. Make several for
Your friends! No, I am not completely off my rocker, yet!
P.S.Be sure to stop pulling, once the button hits the bottom of the cup!
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Really wish bland was at full strength for this matchup but that's not going to happen. This is an opportunity that doesn't come along very often for Bland and playing neighboring GW makes it all the more special. I know the players will go out and give it their all and hopefully the players on D who are playing a new position gained some valuable experience last Friday. I think some are going to be surprised at the some of the talent bland has at the skill positions. Depth and special teams are a big concern as Bland just doesn't have the numbers to replace the three athletes that will not be playing. Here's hoping that win or lose Bland finally gets the respect they have earned
Hey Blandbacker, I told you back several weeks ago that The Bears was a special team. Even though they have been through some ups and downs, I still respect them for their rezealunticy. There is no better statement or action that anyone could have done any better than when Bland beat PH, after that week of turmoil for everyone in Bland.
Bland has been adopted as SWVA's Team by hundreds of fans all across this part of the I said, this is stuff for movie scripts; Hoosiers!
This is what dreams are made of. This season will be remembered for generations. Enjoy the moments My Friend. You have already witnessed a miracle. Maybe there are more awaiting!
The real fans give them the respect they have earned BC its the haters who cant see they have arrived. I'll say this everyone knows I LOVE MY MAROONS but if the Bears beat them Friday I will clap and cheer for the rest of the season.
I wonder what people's thoughts would be had ph beaten bland. Doubt many would be saying 4-5 score difference. Not saying any ones prediction isn't a fair assumption.
I haven't seen PH play so it would be hard to say but I think if GW played the right D and showed up they win by a few scores. I'm pulling for Bland Friday night but I think GW wins be several scores if they show up and I'm basing that on what I've seen out of GW and Bland. Good luck to both teams and I'm hoping a team from SWVA makes it to Salem.
I think that match up would be harder for the GW defense initially. They will match better with Bland. However, big plays could really take some wind out of GW. Let's see if the Bears have an trickery/mass yardage downs in them! I'm just thrilled for Bland to still be in it. That community has got to be pumped!
I'm still trying to wrap my brain around how GW only scored 36 against PH with all the athletes on the roster. Judging by the Bland-PH game I would have thought GW would have scored in the 50s or 60s as well. I haven't seen the GW-RR game but if RR was able to run the option, GW may have trouble stopping Bland's option game.
Don't think GW played as good at PH or RR as they had earlier in the year from what I've read on here. That being said I think RR has probably improved since Galax see them so it's hard for me to say. I know GW has talent but we will see if they put that on display this Friday. I don't have a thing in the world against GW but I have to pull for Bland since this is one their best seasons ever. Good luck to both teams.
Against PH we ran a dime all night on D and could not stop Humphrey and all harner ran on O was draws and short side sweeps so PH stacked the box and the game was on. Against RR we jump out to 21-0 lead in 5-6 mins and then harner started to pull the dogs after that. RR came back and the game was on and no RR did not run the ball on us really at all we smashed them in the box. The first time they ran an actual option we had the QB before he could pitch it the 2nd time we did the same and got the ball. And we were way to fast on the edges for them to get out they scored by throwing a lot our Run D is top notch the only player to have a ton of success on us is Humphrey and Harris had some good yards but we never gave him any big plays.
Don't think GW played as good at PH or RR as they had earlier in the year from what I've read on here. That being said I think RR has probably improved since Galax see them so it's hard for me to say. I know GW has talent but we will see if they put that on display this Friday. I don't have a thing in the world against GW but I have to pull for Bland since this is one their best seasons ever. Good luck to both teams.
And no MT we didn't play nearly as good in either one of those games we came out flat and uninspired
I think Bland is in the same boat as Hurley, they must play a perfect game, no turnovers and no easy scores for the opponent and they have a chance.
Its going to be interesting. Gw has been in some tight games against teams they should've blown out. GW evidently is one of the more talented teams in 1A. Since blands freshman qb has gotten some experience, they've become explosive on offense but the player suspensions make one wonder how they will be able to slow down GWs balanced offense. Will GW players overlook this Bears squad? Will Bland be able to handle GWs size up front? This is a new experience for the Bland players and fans. Since this experience only happens in Bland Co very so often, I can't, in good conscience, pick against the Bears. I'd rather be wrong than doubt this team. Here's to what will hopefully be a huge upset and a great game.
One thing I have learned, Blaster tells it the way he sees it, and he loves his Roons, and most of the time, the dude is right ! You may not like the way he says it, but again, most of the the time, the dude is right. GW is loaded, My Friends, and that is no bull.
A coach told me one time when we were very young and going up against a very strong team, that he only had about 9 good ball players on D, so he was going to have to " HIDE " 2 players on D. That is what he did, moving guys around all the time, and the other coach never knew where the weakness was. To make a long story short, we won the game, and our coach just out foxed the other guy all night.
GW is not in that position. They have the athletes. The only question is who do they play, and where, and for how long! A coaches dream, at a small school ! GW is young this year, but they just keep on winning, and winning. And yes Blaster is right again, 2-3 deep at most positions. I expect GW to go for a very deep run in the playoffs this year. It will be interesting to see who stops them. Don,'t count them out just yet, My Friends!
Hey Bcbbacker, hope all is well in Bland. You got about 20 hours to fix it, if it ain't right. I have been exactly where you are at in your thinking. It is impossible to go against Bland, but GW is loaded and you know it, so that makes for a sick feeling in you stomach.
Yes, I agree, Bland is not the same team they were at the start of the season. They have gained experience, and that new Freshman QB, has added a new demenention to Bland. No doubt that Bland is talented, and certainly more than most folks think. Bland can pull this thing out, but they would have to play a perfect game for 4 qrts and GW would have to make a few blunders. At this point, anything is possible, My Friend. Keep the Faith!
GW has the talent and we have the ability to score very quick and in bunches but for some reason when we get up 3-4 scores harner pulls the dogs. Now I don't have a problem with that if it is a team that will struggle with our jv but when it is a team like RR who will not quit then you need to step on there throats and end it. But no he lets them hang around this whole season we have drove down the field on the 1st drive and scored even on Radford. But as soon as we get that nice lead he quits calling plays that will score he will literally call a QB draw 7-8 times in a row or will pitch it to the short side and on a sweep. Look at Holston we got up 28-0 in 5mins he pulls them which is fine Holston scores a few game ends 45-19 looks a lot closer than it really was. RR was just a war that we could've ended early with a killer instinct and a coach to win attitude instead of coaching not to lose attitude. And BC our players overlooking other teams has been a problem all year I guess they think once the other teams see how big we are and how fast they just wont play hard. And that is not the case as it shouldn't be for example our whole line is as big as Blands Pennington he's what 6'4 300 about that's our whole line but instead of 300 we are 250-285 and really quick for the big boys. So they just think ok this one is over right now and it has bit them a few time the biggest one being PH we scored at will but they kept the ball away from us so we didn't have many chances to score. Basically this is what is wrong with GW it 50% the kids playing to the other teams level instead of ours and its 50% Harner coaching to not lose instead of ending the games with authority. Good luck to the BEARS tomorrow night and safe travels to all attending the games. Ps I hope Bland smacks us in the mouth and waked us up early to get the blood flowing
Hey Bcbbacker, hope all is well in Bland. You got about 20 hours to fix it, if it ain't right. I have been exactly where you are at in your thinking. It is impossible to go against Bland, but GW is loaded and you know it, so that makes for a sick feeling in you stomach.
Yes, I agree, Bland is not the same team they were at the start of the season. They have gained experience, and that new Freshman QB, has added a new demenention to Bland. No doubt that Bland is talented, and certainly more than most folks think. Bland can pull this thing out, but they would have to play a perfect game for 4 qrts and GW would have to make a few blunders. At this point, anything is possible, My Friend. Keep the Faith!
Well said Chilwar anything is possible and if anyone can do it the BEARS can no doubt 99% didn't give them a snowballs chance against PH after the stuff that happened. But those young men said forget them we are the players and we know we can win as they will do Friday this game will be fun no doubt. Its going to come down to can Bland play a full game against the constant subbing of GW and the way our lines smother and how will they handle out speed to the edges on O and D?
Actually chilwar25 the only sick feeling in my stomach is when I think about what might have been and how great of a match up this could've been. This team is confident in themselves and I honestly think they were motivated by what happened and played with a purpose last week. They knew the cards were stacked against them and responded. GW may very well come out and blitz bland but I don't see Bland laying down like they did against graham and galax. GW is year in and year out one of the most talented teams in 1A but the most talented team doesn't always win. If Bland is some how able to stop GW with all the pieces that are missing, coach hart deserves an award. I'll be back to celebrate or congratulate, until the enjoy some Friday night football.

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