How we conduct ourselfs


VaPreps Varsity
Jul 30, 2001
I've been a member of these boards for many many years. I don't make many post. I mostly read because I have a hard time explaining myself sometimes, but I'm going to make this attempt at it.

While reading another thread I came up across some talking about the old days with Pulaski and Salem fans being on this board and the Bad Blood between the two. Well this is not just about Pulaski and Salem but about all our teams and their fans but I will use Pulaski and Salem as an example.

I'm a Cougar Fan. I'm also a high school football fan of all teams. I remember all the hatred shared by both Salem and Pulaski. I thought it was stupid then and I think it's stupid now. It drove many good members from the board for both Salem and Pulaski. We all share the same love for the sport, that's the reason we're here. I don't care what high school you are from or pull for. I don't care if you're 10-0 or 0-10, everyone should have a right to be proud of their team. Everyone should have a right to make a comment about their opinions without being attacked for their opinions as long as it is not an attack itself. I believe a lot of people on this board needs to learn what an attack is. Just because somebody believes that a certain team will lose a certain game against another team and voices and opinion about it is not an attack. Just because somebody says their player had a great game and you don't see it that way is not an attack. It is a "difference of opinion". Sure everyone is going to want to hear talk about their teams, but for many years now it seems like if you're not the top dogs you're not allowed to speak. you're not relevant. That's one thing I have seen from this board that is wrong. Everyone should have that right. Think about it, if you take away all the teams that are not top dogs how long is the season going to last, how many games are going to be played if those teams are not there. Look back over this year on this board and how many teams have been talked about? Some are talking about how boring this board has got well it's because there's no new blood in the conversation. People are afraid if they speak they're going to get hammered for having an opinion or trying to even start a conversation. What does it really matter if somebody disagrees with you? Do you really think arguing is going to change their mind?

Now I'm not saying that you cannot the state your reasons for your disagreement but it don't take 30 post of arguing in back and forth to realize that you're not changing anyone's mind and they're not changing yours. Just agree to disagree and move on. If somebody says something you don't like overlook it and move on. We all need to work together at putting a stop to all the smart a$$ remarks made by people against other people and their teams just because someone don't like that team. Stop making comments that you know are going to just irritate someone else. Stop stirring the pot. Cheer for your team and let others cheer for theirs. When you attend a football game the announcer usually announces that you represent your team about how you conduct yourself, well it should be the same on this board!!
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