As written in the referenced article:
The public charter would accommodate four academies, including a Trades and Industrial Technology Academy, with an emphasis on regional maritime trades, a Business & Information Technology Academy, a Governor's Health and Medical Science Academy and a Governor's STEM Academy.
I think we all would agree that a well planned, focused effort to prepare our kids for the employment opportunities in the local area. Heavens knows, you can't find fault with that.
Should they do away with a current high school to accomadate the new facility? I'm suspicious of this idea. I find it hard to believe that there is no other suitable location for this proposed school.
Do you remember when it was proposed to put tolls, and toll collection facilities, on I 95 in Southside Virginia? And the purpose was to generate funds to support highway improvements, primarily in Northern Virginia. Do you know the real reason for the attempt to locate this toll road in the Southside? It was because the legislators from Northern Virginia and other urban areas knew that the legislators in the Southside were not as powerful, or as politically connected as most of them are. In fact, it was never stated in public, but the generally feeling of many of the Northern legislators is that the representatives of the people from the rural areas of Southside and Southwestern Virginia are simply not as smart as they are. Oh how I wish they would utter this thought to a reporter one day.
The thought process that I stated above, makes me wonder if Lake Taylor was singled out because of a similar perception by the members of the Norfolk School Board? I would like to see that question asked directly, face to face, at a school board meeting.