It is ridiculous


VaPreps All Region
Sep 22, 2007
Stuarts Draft VA
That so many of these threads across all the boards have to be closed because people can't be be respectful of one another. There have been good discussions on here that have been closed because people aren't respectful. This is a message board to discuss football, not to berate teams you have played and talk trash to other people. Sure there are going to be things that people disagree on and that is a good thing, but the constant bad behavior on here is embarrassing and I really hope it stops. Talk about your team, teams in your area, anyone you want to, don't have to constantly say negative things just to cause controversy and ends up in a fight and having threads stopped because of it.
Dignity. Just something we must have. Chances are, these high schoolers we cheer on do read this. Need to be an example.
I have never understood why some posters "attack" other posters because they do not agree with a post. Message boards are for opinions and discussions.
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I have never understood why some posters "attack" other posters because they do not agree with a post. Message boards are for opinions and discussions.
Absolutly agree with all of this and I try to post that way . Nothing wrong with supporting your team, but no reason to get negitive or personal on here ! We are all on here to to talk high school sports ( especially football ) because we love it, but why some have to make personal attacks or tear another program or fan base down to make themselves feel better is beyond me.
We will have disagreements of course that's natural, but no reason to take it to another level and cast dispersions on a whole fan base or program because of the actions of a few, all of our programs have some fans who do not represent the whole.
If I find myself in a discussion with someone that takes a bad turn I usually just quit posting at least to that particular person because it usually just gets worse and things are said that shouldn't be and in the scheme of things are just not important. I have found that it makes it pretty hard for the other person to keep responding if I am not doing the same.
Good luck to both teams this week and to all the fans of both teams, Take it all in, it's a special weekend for the players, the towns, and the fans of both teams, for most teams it doesn't happen every year so enjoy this week and weekend and I hope both teams come out of the game injury free !
Safe travels to all !
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exactly right
Come on man. Good one. You exemplify this in your constant bashing of a certain program and its players/coaches.
Great post gunz. Right on point bud. Only takes a couple to put a bad spin on what is meant to be discussion and not bashing.

Good luck to both teams this weekend. No matter how it plays out-what a ride for both schools.
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I posted facts along with opinions about programs, mstly facts. Others see it as a chance to attack me instead of countering. Odd concept that leads to quiet message boards and forums like today. ZZzzzzz
I just don't see the need in bashing or talking in a negative manner of any program on a forum board where you can hide behind a screen name. Otherwise known as a "troll" or "keyboard hero"
This will be last I address this situation as many others happen to agree with my feelings.
Take care.
Please note that on every post on the board, there is a "Report" button. Click that when you see something out of line and it will generate a message to me alerting me of the content.

Trust me, after this season, the punishment will be swift and harsh.