I listened to the game on the radio last night, and they sounded like they were the keystone cops on offense. I sort of go the same feeling against Meadowbrook.
Still, when you win 31-0 and 35-7 against Meadowbrook and Thomas Dale, you're not playing poorly are you? I mean, that's not George Wythe and Midlothian.
The stats sheet I was e-mailed isn't impressive, either, except...
The defense has only allowed 58 yards so far this season (17 if you don't count the running clock TD drive Dale had against Bird's twos).
I feel like Bird's story is similar to some other early season favorites around the state. I keep hearing, "The offense seemed sluggish, but the defense was great...."
Next week Bird does play Midlothian, so we won't get a read there, but after that....Manchester. Then we'll know something.
Still, when you win 31-0 and 35-7 against Meadowbrook and Thomas Dale, you're not playing poorly are you? I mean, that's not George Wythe and Midlothian.
The stats sheet I was e-mailed isn't impressive, either, except...
The defense has only allowed 58 yards so far this season (17 if you don't count the running clock TD drive Dale had against Bird's twos).
I feel like Bird's story is similar to some other early season favorites around the state. I keep hearing, "The offense seemed sluggish, but the defense was great...."
Next week Bird does play Midlothian, so we won't get a read there, but after that....Manchester. Then we'll know something.