Let's get some talk going on the GW Bland game

Aug 4, 2015
I think that this will be a good game Friday night. I don't think it will be a shoot out. The GW defense is pretty good. Don't know much about the Bland defense. GW d has gotten better every week sense they played Radford. The way it looks both offenses are pretty good. I see GW wining something like 28 to 17. But they will have to play 4 quarters. And they need to keep the freshman QB in check. Everybody be safe traveling to Wytheville.
From what I've seen when both teams played Galax I think GW will win by a several scores. This is not a knock on Bland but I don't think they can match up with GW size and speed. Not many give Bland much of a chance to beat PH and they came away victorious so you never know. That being said the game has to be played and anything can happen but I still think GW will be way to much for the bears. Congratulations to Bland on a great season so far and good luck to both teams.
This is not the same Bland team that started the season 6-1 with wins over northwood, rr, and Grayson. Bland is much improved on offense and worse on D. Bland only gave up 6 points to NW and that was late in 4th, and 14 to RR in an overtime game. Only gave up one score to Grayson in the first half and that was after they took over on blands 15. Bland has been playing with a patchwork defense since the Grayson game and it looks like it's going to be that way this Friday as well. Bland hasn't gotten much respect and I think getting ran over by galax and graham is the cause but they have beaten some good teams RR, NW, and now PH. Right now bland is very balanced team with some talented skill players. The question is can blands O keep them in the game against a very good gw D.
2 linemen and a senior safety but thankfully we are back to full strength now but I really don't think that had anything to do with the game Humphrey is just that good.
I haven't seen all of the teams that Bland has played this season but I've seen most of them and I will say this we are just as fast probably a little faster as all of them and a lot bigger. This is one of the biggest GW teams in years with a lot of speed behind the size and a very deep bench.
Bland has seen the cousins kid from graham, Harris from Galax and Humphrey from ph 3 of the last 4 weeks. I seen a big difference in the kids against PH. They were confident and trying to make tackles, that wasn't the case against graham and Galax. Hopefully the kids won't be intimidated this Friday. The kid from ph and and the kid from graham are neck and neck with cousins being more shifty while Humphrey is faster.
2 of our backs are just as fast as Humphrey in Wells and Tolley and one is just like Harris with speed and power to run over people in Tyler Hardin. And Bland has earned all of the confidence in the world they have shown they have no quit and will fight hardship as a TEAM. I don't see them being intimidated by us now like I said they will see a huge O and D line but they will show up to play as I hope GW does. If not Bland will move on to play Radford or Honaker this could be another war at GW.
Honestjohn60 how can you say that. Maybe better coached but no way do they have more talent. GW has talent at all of the skilled position. And the Running backs will flat run over you thur you or Around you. And our QB is just a sophomore and the kid can fling the ball. I will agree better coached maybe but no way is Bland more talented.
Better coached yes without a doubt but anyone who actually knows GW football will tell you we will have a talent advantage over almost anyone we see. And Roons I should've added Wells to that run over you group lol that kid is a beast just like Hardin.
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Bland has more talent? I love the bears, but you have to have a bench to be in a deep talent conversation.
Honestjohn60 how can you say that. Maybe better coached but no way do they have more talent. GW has talent at all of the skilled position. And the Running backs will flat run over you thur you or Around you. And our QB is just a sophomore and the kid can fling the ball. I will agree better coached maybe but no way is Bland more talented.
I know nothing about either team, I just throwed that in there because someone else said the same thing about Parry McClure and Hurley, even though they knew absolutely nothing about Hurley. Wish all the teams left the best of luck, especially Hurley, Honaker and JIB.
Well lets see my assumption held water hurley had only played one team that was worth talking about in Honaker and hurley lost 49-22. It is an assumption based on the extremely weak regular season schedule which is FACT. Ok your assumption holds ZERO water it is a boat with a screen bottom and it was made because I stated my opinion about the PM game and you got mad. Oh well the longer you are on here you will see that I state the FACTS regardless of who I offend its not to insult a team or a kid or a community it's my opinion and if you go back and look most of the time I'm right. I promise you tonight you will see a different beast than you have seen all year in Galax that isn't an assumption it is FACT. They will be the best team hurley has seen all year bar none that is not a knock on Honaker or PM but it will not end well tonight. Now ill make another assumption Galax by many good luck chasing Charles Harris around all night you will need it hit him don't hug him he runs very very hard. So please by all means get mad at someone speaking there mind and then being able to defend the point that was made with valid tangible FACTS that was made with ZERO bias just knowledge at hand. Did you notice how not one GW fan got mad at your laughable little attempt to be witty we simply informed you on the TRUTH. Now if this is your true opinion by all means stick to it and come on here tonight after the games and lets see who was right and who was wrong. GW might get beat by 100 and hurley might win by 100 but I wouldn't be your money on either of those happening. In closing go do your research and watch some game film like I do then come back with some legitimate debates and not a ton of diarrhea of the mouth. Again good luck to the Rebels tonight have a safe trip to Galax its a nice place and try a hotdog they are really good.
Well lets see my assumption held water hurley had only played one team that was worth talking about in Honaker and hurley lost 49-22. It is an assumption based on the extremely weak regular season schedule which is FACT. Ok your assumption holds ZERO water it is a boat with a screen bottom and it was made because I stated my opinion about the PM game and you got mad. Oh well the longer you are on here you will see that I state the FACTS regardless of who I offend its not to insult a team or a kid or a community it's my opinion and if you go back and look most of the time I'm right. I promise you tonight you will see a different beast than you have seen all year in Galax that isn't an assumption it is FACT. They will be the best team hurley has seen all year bar none that is not a knock on Honaker or PM but it will not end well tonight. Now ill make another assumption Galax by many good luck chasing Charles Harris around all night you will need it hit him don't hug him he runs very very hard. So please by all means get mad at someone speaking there mind and then being able to defend the point that was made with valid tangible FACTS that was made with ZERO bias just knowledge at hand. Did you notice how not one GW fan got mad at your laughable little attempt to be witty we simply informed you on the TRUTH. Now if this is your true opinion by all means stick to it and come on here tonight after the games and lets see who was right and who was wrong. GW might get beat by 100 and hurley might win by 100 but I wouldn't be your money on either of those happening. In closing go do your research and watch some game film like I do then come back with some legitimate debates and not a ton of diarrhea of the mouth. Again good luck to the Rebels tonight have a safe trip to Galax its a nice place and try a hotdog they are really good.
You Sir are so full of CRAP, if you are not careful you are going to choke on it. You have left yourself a way out, if all that talent a Wythe doesn't come through you can blame the Coach. As far as being mad, this little tirade of yours doesn't look good at all. Take a break and watch some more film.
You Sir are so full of CRAP, if you are not careful you are going to choke on it. You have left yourself a way out, if all that talent a Wythe doesn't come through you can blame the Coach. As far as being mad, this little tirade of yours doesn't look good at all. Take a break and watch some more film.
Haha its crap when its not true like your little sad attempt at humor, when I talk and state FACTS well then that a valid response to BS like your post. Secondly I don't get mad buddy I make people like you who don't know the true state of football in 1A like some of us do look bad as I did in my previous post. Third that was not a tirade my friend that was taking you to school with yes you guest it FACTS so how about we try this you now set and scratch your head and try and make heads and tells of what just happened. Then come on back for another lesson and try and debate and defend your statements like "You sir are so full of crap" ok if you think that then tell me why. Or this one will be even better for me come on here and lets debate your team vs my team in terms of success and winning seasons and playoff appearances you know things that MATTER. You say I left myself a way out well you see I wasn't the only one to agree with your statement of Bland being better coached now was I? Ask anyone who knows anything about GW and they will tell you again GW has all the talent we need to beat anyone we play. But on the flip of that we have a coach coming from a school that isn't used to winning like we are at GW. He is not used to seeing the levels of talent our school produces year in and year out GW hasn't had a losing season in 19years go look it up he isn't used to that type of success. He is a great man no doubt about it he loves the kids and loves to coach he is a film rat like myself but he has no clue on how to use 20-25 active athletes every game. Meaning we sub all night we play a ton of different kids and most of them are underclassmen. Who will be back next year and the year after and then when they leave we have a much better team coming GW is extremely young we only have 4 seniors on our O and 5 on D the rest come back lol. I speak nothing but exactly what I think I hold nothing back some respect the honesty some get all mad and make my day either way I don't care. I speak my mind regardless of the situation I say what I know to be FACTS and TRUTH so come on back and DEBATE AND DEFEND your points and statements with FACTS.
In all seriousness John I wish the best of luck to Hurley tonight the kids have earned the respect the are getting I hope everyone made it to the game safe. And really try a hotdog they are really good lol

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