Meadowbrook loss

Aug 11, 2013
Meadowbrook had the game won with a minute and a half left in the game.What was the coaching staff thinking about by takeing a knee and Hermitage having three time outs left.You out played Hermitage but whats on the scoreboard is what counts, IN my Book you beat Hermitage !!
Congrats to Herm.
There was a reason why there was time left on the clock! Poor clock management by MBK! You leave Tim Kane and staff time like that, they will find a way to beat you. MBK gave the "V" to The Herm, gift wrapped with a shiney bow on top!
Apparently from what I'm reading, MBK couldn't have done anything differently with clock management. Herm had all three time outs when MBK intercepted the ball. No matter what, they were going to get the ball back with roughly the same amount of time on the clock. Appears the story of the game is the Herm QB's scramble on the last play of the game for the winning TD.
I disagree, It was forth down when MBK intercepted the ball, had he not Hermitage would have had to go seventy yards for the score instead thirty. With 54 seconds left on the clock and Hermitage with three time outs I would think time would be stilll be left on the clock.Mbk took a knee three times and on forth down they ran it in the endzone for a safety.On all four plays Mbk loss yards instead of advancing the ball.I was in the stands and I was yelling why are you talking a knee to much time left on the clock!!!!
I defer to you

Dan's article said he had no idea why they didn't take a knee, but you are saying they took the knee. As far as the interception is concerned, come on, a DB at any level, including the professionals, is going to intercept that ball more times than not, regardless of down. That just happens. But, I agree, taking a knee runs no time off the clock before the time out is called. Run the ball on first through third down and you probably run off at least 10-15 more seconds than you otherwise would have by taking a knee on all of those. I suppose the inadvertant whistle is a big deal in that MBK has the option to kick or punt if there had been a safety.

Bottom line, they had them stopped and the Herm QB scrambled on the last play and scored. That's the game.
Re: I defer to you

Hey, MBK, changing the subject for a minute. Was Colonial Heights the only Central District team that won last week? If so, when do you guess was the last time that THAT happened? Never, maybe?
Re: I defer to you

I really have to go back in my archives to find the last time that happened if ever but keep in mind...

Hopewell and Prince George did not play this past week so not all Central District teams were in action.
Re: I defer to you

True, but you have to give those long suffering Colonials a little pat on the back. They may very well be 3-0 before they hit the district schedule.

I've used them as an example in the past of why I think districts will soon begin to erode away. In football, they stand almost no chance of ever making the 3a playoffs with their schedule. I don't know if districts like the central would accept members dropping football scheduling, and maintaining their affiliation for all other sports. But, that looks like a logical step to me. I believe this is inevitable. When a Thomas Dale or Meadowbrook miss the playoffs a couple of times by a point or so, the grumbling to play a different schedule will start to grow. When you play teams simply because they are part your district, which means absolutely nothing anymore, and they have very few wins, (ie. CH), you are giving away points each year. I know the point system has incentives for playing district opponents..., but really, Colonial Heights had not won a game in two years until last Friday? How many rider points did district members get for their wins? ZERO.

Because of that, it might simply mean you get seeded lower and have to go on the road for playoff games instead of playing at home. Is it worth it to continue playing district opponents when it affects you like this?

There sure seems like a lot of dis-incentives to me. Again, I'm speaking only of district play in football.
Re: I defer to you

Perfect example of districts beginning to erode, Thomas Jefferson and Hermitage will cease to play one another after this season...
I don't remember that ever happening

Of course, the schedule worked out to make it happen. Two teams didn't play, Dale lost to Cosby and MBK lost to Herm. Colonial Hts won maybe the only game they'll be favored in all season.

I believe the schedules will change within the next cycle or two. Remember, last year was just he first year of the new system. I suspect we'll see Colonial Hts and maybe even Dinwiddie leave the schedule simply because they are not D5 or D6- a points issue (although everyone seems to make the playoffs anyway).
This was too simple. And Meadowbrook blew it.

The Monarchs had just started winning the line of scrimmage war again late 4th quarter, blowing Herm off the ball, Justin Miller eating up yards as he had all of the first half, to score the go-ahead TD at 1:30 to go.

They stopped Herm, got the ball back with 54 to go. You know Hermitage has 3 timeouts (at least I hope the coaches knew, sadly the clock operator in the press box did not), so run it with Miller, make 'em start taking timeouts.

If Herm stops you 3 and out, you tried at least to finish the game. You get a first down, you head for the buses!

Victory formation absolutely stunned me. Hermitage won due to horrific game mismanagement by the Monarch coaching staff. Simple as that.

The Panthers should never have gotten the ball back to begin with.

I went through my records dating back to 1970 and I can only find one instance where Colonial Heights was the only Central District winner on a given night. Problem is only one other Central District team played that night, Hopewell.

On Friday, Nov. 16th Colonial Heights beat Central Lunenburg 40-0 and Hopewell lost 10-16 to EC Glass.

That was the only instance I could find where the Colonials were the only Central District winner but with only one other team playing that night, I guess you could say what happened with Colonial Heights winning and the others faltering is somewhat historic.
Re: 1973


Could you tell me what Hermitage's record was in 1984? Thanks!
I agree completely blue67ccm

If victory formation will not take the clock to zero, you have to pound the ball, force time outs and make at least an attempt to ice it with a first down.
Time outs taken are recorded by the officials on the field; even if the clock operator is tracking time outs on the board, that is not official.

That said, I have been reading this thread with a lot of interest. Tough loss for Meadowbrook, but clock management is a key element of the game.

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