You may have noticed already that we are in the process of changing the message board set up here on the site as there are now five forums (Premium, Fall Sports, Winter Sports, Spring Sports and Other).
In the coming days, you will see each message board change as we will be dividing them up geographically by six regions (NOVA, Piedmont, Richmond, SWVA, Tidewater, and Valley).
As the changes are made, I will be attempting to move active boards to their most logical board, however, if you see a thread that you would like to see moved, please send me an email to alert me. A hyperlink to my address can be found in my signature.
In the coming days, you will see each message board change as we will be dividing them up geographically by six regions (NOVA, Piedmont, Richmond, SWVA, Tidewater, and Valley).
As the changes are made, I will be attempting to move active boards to their most logical board, however, if you see a thread that you would like to see moved, please send me an email to alert me. A hyperlink to my address can be found in my signature.