Mid-Cycle Reclassification/Realignment


VaPreps Hall of Famer
Sep 27, 2002
I think if your numbers are Class 1, you play Class 1. Same for Class 2. I don't like making appeals based on where you predict your numbers will be in the future. Why? Because if you have an idea that your numbers will be down in 2 years, then you also have an idea if your numbers will be up in 2 years. Ever see teams petitioning to play up based on the argument that their numbers will be up in 2 years?

I can think of 2 of them dating back to the 1980s. Graham High and Radford High and both of us did it for a couple of decades at the Class 3/Division 3 level fully knowing that our numbers would not be up in a 2 or 3 or 4 years. We did it to stay Div 3/Class 3 even though we had Class 2 numbers and fully knowing our numbers were actually dropping closer to the Class 1 level. Graham held out longer than we did and the VHSL finally had to make them go to Class 2 from Class 3.

See a difference above with the recent events and ones in the past? There is one. If Riverheads were to gain knowledge in 2026 that their numbers were projected to grow over the next couple of years to follow, would they appeal to the VHSL asap to move back to Class 2 or would they wait until the official realignment and they are forced? You know the answer and I do as well and that's not being derogatory to Riverheads fanbase who had no say so like most of the rest of us fans. I've spoke with Riverheads fans in Salem several times and every one I spoke with did not like the decision by their powers that be to petition to play down. It's the people in charge that made the decision. The people I spoke with from Riverheads said wait until the numbers come out and play at the classification your numbers say they are and go with it. I feel the same way like most fans.

Radford received some slack years ago when we had our stint in Class 1. I didn't like it that we were on the cusp of Class 1/2 and our powers that be did not appeal to play up to Class 2 nor did most other Radford fans like it. We didn't have any say so as fans. I can identify with Riverheads fans, but I can disagree with past decisions by some of those in charge at Riverheads and at Radford in the past.
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