Middlesex 61 King and Queen 0

Wonder if K&Q layed down on the field for yall to get that score. Hey if you can't beat them lay down and down the ball over and over right middlesex???

No King & Queen played all of their players throughout the entirety of the game. They seemed to not give up and played very hard the entire game. As always very impressed with the character and class of the King & Queen players and coaches for the way that they play the game and carry themselves.

The Chargers started a little slower than expected but after halftime seemed to pull it together. The score although one sided had the last 3-4 scores come from their younger players which was good to see. There was a clear sign of respect and sportsmanship demonstrated by the Middlesex coaching staff by their game/personnel decisions. Very good to see emphasized to the young men on the field.
That's exactly what I meant. I lost respect for the coaches on that game. Total lack of sportsmanship and showing the young kids how to act when faced with difficulty. I heard it was a way to save their players for the playoffs but there was a better way to do that than have your team just give up. At least make them play the game and finish it out. This happened in the 3rd quarter mind you.
Yes, I gathered the sarcasm I figured I'd take the high road. No point and responding to people who are not well informed about the situation that occurred at King William or simply looking for a battle online are not going to get it from me.
Yes, I gathered the sarcasm I figured I'd take the high road. No point and responding to people who are not well informed about the situation that occurred at King William or simply looking for a battle online are not going to get it from me.
Well informed enough to know that Middlesex coach told our coach to get the F back on the other side of the field when he was checking on a charger player that was hurt. Informed enough to know that you don't go up and shake a concussed kids leg when the trainer is trying to place him on a backboard. Is that informed?
Was the profanity towards your coach before or after your coach threw his headset and stormed across the field in a fit of profanity threatening to fight the Middlesex Head Coach? AFTER... So yes I will maintain the WELL informed stipulation.

Good luck in playoffs. You have a high seed make the tidewater proud.
No King & Queen played all of their players throughout the entirety of the game. They seemed to not give up and played very hard the entire game. As always very impressed with the character and class of the King & Queen players and coaches for the way that they play the game and carry themselves.

The Chargers started a little slower than expected but after halftime seemed to pull it together. The score although one sided had the last 3-4 scores come from their younger players which was good to see. There was a clear sign of respect and sportsmanship demonstrated by the Middlesex coaching staff by their game/personnel decisions. Very good to see emphasized to the young men on the field.
Appreciate the kind words ! Proud of the way the players never did give up and kept fighting! This is a learning year for a lot of our kids some this was their first year playing football! We knew going in this was not the same middlesex that we played last year we knew you guys were very much improved. Number 2 is a phenomenal player for middlesex and number 10 as well! We where able to move the ball during first qt but mistakes killed us! But King and Queen is really young this year with losing 10 players last year to graduation not making excuses though! I heard about the middlesex King William game wasn't there so do not know what happened but wow must have been intense but if safety of players is at stake sometimes you have to do what's best for your team but We have a tough one coming up against King William as well last game of season look forward to seeing the Cavs next friday
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I think it's awesome your team played the entire game. That is respectful.... We want nothing but to see your team grow stronger and stronger every year. I'll be at the JV game tomorrow and am looking forward to Friday.
Thank you sir I appreciate that. And indeed I will be in attendance to the game tonight as I coach JV as well as varsity. We are young very young, but hopefully we are moving in the right direction. Our district well the conference 42 has been rough the last few seasons. King William is a tough match up for our conference teams but I look forward to the match up every year as King and Queen athletes are related to a lot of the King William players and its about Our Tiger Pride every year and game, no matter what the score is we will play to the final whistle as there maybe some teams who like to run the score up on some teams and keep starters in even being up by a lot. One thing I teach is to Keep playing hard its about having fun and learning not only the game of football but also about life aspects. As I said we are a very young team this year and some have never played football until this year so is a learning experience.
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I hear that. I know about that running the score up thing. I don't have any excuses for it but I am not a coach and this year we really haven't done it to the extreme as last year. I think we are also learning I that regard. Our head coach is young. He is an awesome coach don't get me wrong but while he is great and pushes through on some fronts he is still learning on others. All we can do is stand behind him and back him the assistant coaches and our boys. We are not a perfect program by any means but we are getting better every year. One thing we need is consistency and long term coaches. My son is a senior and has been through 3 coaches in his Hs career. This last change wasn't so bad as DeHart has been with our program as an assistant coach a few years before he took over as HC. Good luck to K&Q tomorrow. Yes we have family and friends in K&Q and hope to see great things out of y'all! Take care!!
That's exactly what I meant. I lost respect for the coaches on that game. Total lack of sportsmanship and showing the young kids how to act when faced with difficulty. I heard it was a way to save their players for the playoffs but there was a better way to do that than have your team just give up. At least make them play the game and finish it out. This happened in the 3rd quarter mind you.

Come on now...What kind of sportsmanship did ya'll show by putting up 80+ on Middlesex last year? That game was about as classless as you could ever get.
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Middlesex was a bad football team last year. There is no reason why Middlesex should be that bad. The worst thing about the situation is that Middlesex actually had a chance to give King William a game this year. Instead they get upset and act like babies. Led by the Head Coach. It is unacceptable.
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Middlesex was a bad football team last year. There is no reason why Middlesex should be that bad. The worst thing about the situation is that Middlesex actually had a chance to give King William a game this year. Instead they get upset and act like babies. Led by the Head Coach. It is unacceptable.

Well, at small schools like those that make up all of the Tidewater District except King William, one or two key players not playing or injured, can make the difference between a bad team and an average team. Honestly, the problem is that King William shouldn't be playing any of those schools. None of the other schools are anywhere near KW in terms of size. That is a problem the VHSL needs to address immediately.
How a coach chooses to handle trying to not get his players injured is his choice, whether or not anyone agrees with it. He did what he thought was in the best interest of his players to keep them from getting hurt.
My guess is KW plays them because they were part of that district (tidewater i think) and they are close.... school budgets aren't going to allow a team to travel hours away for each game. A little common sense goes a long way.
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I have no issue with KW playing a schedule with lots of 1A teams if that's what they think is best for them. Looking at their schedule, they are playing about half their games against schools their size or larger. Yes, the other half of the schedule is against schools considerably smaller. I'm seeing 3 2A opponents, 1 4A opponent & 6 1A opponents (one of which being Essex).

Are teams required to schedule the entire rest of the district every year? If not, that means certain schools in PW, VB & Fairfax have zero non-district games. How boring...
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I don't think the VHSL allows you to ditch your district schedule even now. I know Cumberland ditched Goochland and Buckingham from their district schedule this year and because of it they aren't eligible for the postseason
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I don't think the VHSL allows you to ditch your district schedule even now. I know Cumberland ditched Goochland and Buckingham from their district schedule this year and because of it they aren't eligible for the postseason

Didn't realize the VHSL was still making Districts a thing. Thought the new Conferences were essentially replacing them.
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Maybe in other sports but to my knowledge in football everyone is still required to play their district games. Can't say I agree with it either though. And Charles City is in the Tidewater District now so that's why KW is playing them.
The reason teams still play "districts" is to make it easier to schedule around all sports. It's really that simple.
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Your district can vote unanimously to not play your district schedule without penalty. I would imagine that the majority of schools in the tidewater would be in favor of not playing a full district schedule i.e. King William but if a single school votes against it then you must play a full schedule or you forfeit your right to playoffs.

As far as not playing athletes against King William to save them for playoffs and determining what's best for the team. If you were at the game. Before the end of the game Middlesex was out the 1st and 2nd qb, starting rb, and number one wr all injured in that game. So yes you can judge the decisions that were made from afar but please note that prior to all of the injuries Middlesex was in the game doing their best to win. With that many players at the single a level (lack of subs) and you're down 4 scores it is hard to fault any decision that a coach would make to get through the rest of the game without any further injuries.
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I NEVER want to see anyone get injured. But we do understand what sport we are discussing, right? King William is just an average 2A team. Middlesex is an average 1A team. Yes King William will probably win more years than others, and believe me I do understand how much injuries to key players on the 1A level can affect a team's performance. But you run it three times and punt. Just like every other team that wants to keep the game close. You try to tackle on defense. It seems like King William is being made out to be the Green Bay Packers. There isn't that much talent level difference between the two teams. You switch the coaching staffs and my money would have been on Middlesex. Maybe we should figure out a way to only schedule games that end in ties...I bet King and Queen wish Middlesex didn't drop them by 61. Were all those points necessary? I bet King and Queen didn't lay on the ground during defense.
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It's no comparison between the King William and King and Queen game. King William keeps starters in until literally the last play in run them onto the field to get a quick snap which they score on. King and Queen subs are played and 3 defensive td are scored in second half and the ball is ran every play in second half and Middlesex takes knee in victory formation to close out the game. There is clearly no intent by the coaching staff to embarrass children in the King and Queen game.

Tonight a team refused to even play King William. In full disclosure I have no clue what the situation was that caused that decision but player safety was sighted and no comments on here yet about it. Another team stopped the game early tonight after a player was injured and no discussion about that.
Middlesex finished out the game. There was a clear attempt to do that while keeping the players safe. It's not as if players were being injured late in the game by subs once the outcome of the game was inevitable it was starters by King William vs what was left of Middlesex. Along with that losing players during a football play can be expected at times but losing two of them to personal fouls after the play is over is not football. I don't think many of you posting saw the game but rather heard about it. A knee was taken one single time on defense as a point that the game was over King William run the ball (admittedly the next play the ball is thrown classy). On Middlesex offense the ball is ran in spots and even pass attempts are made with the third string qb late in the game.

Please remember we are talking about children here for the most part as adults it is our job to look out for them whether it looks pretty or makes everyone happy. At times difficult decisions need to be made and pride needs to be swallowed for the benefit of those that play this game that we love.
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Coaches' Press Release:
Tonight's Central Tigers Football game vs. King William High School has been canceled due to a very serious threat. The administration, coaching staff, and law enforcement from both counties have only the safety of our children and community in mind in making this decision. This is heartbreaking for both teams team, especially our seniors, as Senior Night ceremonies were planned for King and Queen. The Tiger's Thank You for your continued support.
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We did not refuse to play anyone ! Safety was a concern for all in this matter! I will not discuss what the issue was, but we did want to do lay we where actually getting dressed and in classroom going over things when the call was made to me about the game cancellation the team was upset! Like i have said before one thing is we never give up no mater what the score is! If safety was not a concern for everyone we would have played! This issue had nothing to do with football or any current student at the schools!

As far as the middlesex game against us I'm not going to comment because This isn't the place but good job to all teams this season ! And good luck in the playoffs
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Thank you for the info about the game. It's a sad day for your seniors that they were unable to partake in their senior night. Good luck to you in basketball coach.
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You switch the coaching staffs and my money would have been on Middlesex. Maybe we should figure out a way to only schedule games that end in ties...

BINGO....everyone gets a trophy mentality.
The Cavs are geographically locked into their "district". THAT didn't just start to be an issue. It's been that way since the late 70's when Coach Brookes started handing out @$$ whippings on a weekly basis, and has continued up to today. I get it, we're like the New England Patriots, everyone but our fans likes to see us lose. We're OK with it. Truthfully. that's what happens when everyone else in your district can't keep up. Coaching goes a long way. Enrollment numbers....KW doesn't create the cutoff line...VHSL does. We play where the VHSL dictates. I'm looking forward to the day that the "district" COMPLETELY dissolves. Until then, shut up, suit up, strap up and man up. It's a tough game. full of life lessons. Teaching kids that quitting or screaming like a spoiled little brat is certainly keeping the entitlement seekers in full bloom.

Still haven't seen a KW squad or fans belly ache and b!tch about their jocks being handed to them by a much smaller Essex squad over the last few years.

It's a tough game. If you can't handle ALL aspects of it, it may be time to find a hobby.
It's no comparison between the King William and King and Queen game. King William keeps starters in until literally the last play in run them onto the field to get a quick snap which they score on. King and Queen subs are played and 3 defensive td are scored in second half and the ball is ran every play in second half and Middlesex takes knee in victory formation to close out the game. There is clearly no intent by the coaching staff to embarrass children in the King and Queen game.

Tonight a team refused to even play King William. In full disclosure I have no clue what the situation was that caused that decision but player safety was sighted and no comments on here yet about it. Another team stopped the game early tonight after a player was injured and no discussion about that.
Middlesex finished out the game. There was a clear attempt to do that while keeping the players safe. It's not as if players were being injured late in the game by subs once the outcome of the game was inevitable it was starters by King William vs what was left of Middlesex. Along with that losing players during a football play can be expected at times but losing two of them to personal fouls after the play is over is not football. I don't think many of you posting saw the game but rather heard about it. A knee was taken one single time on defense as a point that the game was over King William run the ball (admittedly the next play the ball is thrown classy). On Middlesex offense the ball is ran in spots and even pass attempts are made with the third string qb late in the game.

Please remember we are talking about children here for the most part as adults it is our job to look out for them whether it looks pretty or makes everyone happy. At times difficult decisions need to be made and pride needs to be swallowed for the benefit of those that play this game that we love.

It didn't have anything to do about football. It had absolutely nothing to do with the student athletes.
K&Q didn't want to cancel the game, nor did KW, but it was in the best interest of the fans, the student athletes and the coaching staffs. Law enforcement officials urged the schools to "take action". So they did.

It's a damn shame that the K&Q seniors didn't have the opportunity to be recognized at their last home game. No fault of theirs.
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It didn't have anything to do about football. It had absolutely nothing to do with the student athletes.
K&Q didn't want to cancel the game, nor did KW, but it was in the best interest of the fans, the student athletes and the coaching staffs. Law enforcement officials urged the schools to "take action". So they did.

It's a damn shame that the K&Q seniors didn't have the opportunity to be recognized at their last home game. No fault of theirs.
Appreciate that gwb16 a lot of people are saying we just didn't want to play but that was not the case we where actually getting prepared for the game when I was called and told what was going on. And yes it's a shame we didn't have senior night because of this issue that some people went too far and had threats out and then these young people couldn't play a game of football and fans enjoy Friday night football between two schools who had family ties no matter what outcome would have been they look forward to this game every year! I had players literally crying because we could not play this game . Good luck to King William and all other schools in the playoffs. I always pull for tidewater district or even NND in playoffs even though some are rivals I like to see hometown teams do well into playoffs!
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Appreciate that gwb16 a lot of people are saying we just didn't want to play but that was not the case we where actually getting prepared for the game when I was called and told what was going on. And yes it's a shame we didn't have senior night because of this issue that some people went too far and had threats out and then these young people couldn't play a game of football and fans enjoy Friday night football between two schools who had family ties no matter what outcome would have been they look forward to this game every year! I had players literally crying because we could not play this game . Good luck to King William and all other schools in the playoffs. I always pull for tidewater district or even NND in playoffs even though some are rivals I like to see hometown teams do well into playoffs!

I've always had mad respect for the Royal Tigers. Your kids play hard every week. Went through spells where you had absolutely NO SUPPORT from the Administration or School Board. Fielded teams with 14-15 kids and came out to play each week. And had a few VERY good teams for a spell. I wish you guys continued success. Really would like to see your program step it up to the next level. Takes time to turn it around. But I'm pulling for you guys.

I pull for all of the Tidewater and NND teams. Unless they're battling with the Black N Gold...Good luck next year.
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