My Proposal to easily Fix the Inequities between Regions A and B - Class 1


VaPreps All District
Jul 30, 2010
As mentioned in the thread Red Pride here are my thoughts on how to fix the inequities in the number of teams and increase the competitiveness of the Region B playoffs.

This issue has been discussed countless times in the past year or two and is considered unfair and unsportsmanlike by basically everyone. The disparity in teams makes the VHSL look foolish and causes anger towards a great school like Riverheads.

My proposal will make the number of teams equal as possible. I think it is a good and fair proposal for all schools (plus the changes mainly involves the schools I care about so I am not pushing the issue on others).

These thoughts are mine only. Please feel free to agree, disagree, ask questions, say its ridiculous...I do not mind at all and will answer any thoughts and concerns.
Currently Region A has 17 teams (all have football programs, many are competitive)

Currently Region B has 10 teams (only 7 have football teams, of those only 4 are competitive). Some Region B teams may or may not even play many sports.

This proposal (imo) works for all sports and not only balances it out but make all sports more competitive to advance to states.

I support Northumberland, Rappahannock, Essex, and W&L mainly but pull for all NND teams.
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The proposal is simple and easy. I would take 4 teams from Region A and place them in Region B for the Region B playoffs only (for all sports). Leave the regular season as it is.

All 4 of these Region A teams play football so that will balance that big problem out. Three of them had great winning records and advanced in the Region A football playoffs.

1) Send Charles City to Region B. Easy. They are basically already in Region B geographically.

2) For the playoffs, send three NND teams to compete in the Region B playoffs.

I do not really care which ones. I would leave Essex in Region A as you do not need the two best Football teams in the State in the same region.

So send Colonial Beach, Washington and Lee, and Northumberland to compete in the Region B playoffs for ALL sports (or other NND teams if like CB doesn't want to go).

This is better for all.

The Tri Rivers and Tidewater schools do not want to go to Region B. Lets's send three NND teams.

Think about it, this would be much better for the NND and the other Region A teams at the same time.

Plus, makes Region B fair and competitive and the VHSL looks smart and equitable.
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Travel is not an issue. The NND schools travel all over already. Plus, for several years Regions A and B were mixed anyway in the playoffs. Its just a week or a few weeks for football.

This gives:

Region A-

13 schools (all 13 play football)

Region B-

14 schools (11 play football)

Simple. Easy. Problems fixed.
Or move Bath, Parry McCluer, Covington and Highland to Region B. Allow Rappahannock County to be eligible for the playoffs (as long as they play a certain amount of D1 schools) regardless of if they play their entire Bull Run schedule. And yep, move Charles City as well. Good idea uvacavs1!
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Maybe a combination of the teams we mentioned moving to Region B for the playoffs.

I was trying to put a couple more competitive football teams in B.

Really, playing Essex or Riverheads in Football? Does it matter? The odds of victory are about the same.

As for the NND, who usually knocks the NND teams out of the region playoffs in almost all sports?

Other NND teams....

I stand by what I proposed.
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@uvacavs1 i do think if the regional concept is going to be used, they do need realignment. But I don’t think making CB, W&L and N’land participate in the Region B playoffs is the answer. Why would those schools have to travel further to play in the playoffs when Essex is closer? I agree with @HighestPoint, the playoffs needs to go back to East/West format for playoffs. It makes more sense. I thought it was dumb (geographically) when CB first joined the VHSL in 07 and played in the Tidewater when they’re a school actually in the geographic Northern Neck of Virginia.
East/West seems to be the best way to go. It gives teams the chance to travel to places they would normally never go and play teams they would never face unless they were meeting in state semi under the Regional format. Using the East/West format would be fair to teams either way. If you’re good, you’ll be in the final four anyways “Riverheads and Essex”
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Every class doesn't have to have the same system. That's where the thinking is flawed. Class 1/1A should use the east/West format 1a schools are not located in areas where you can get 4 balanced regions.

Sure, I agree with both of you. The East/West playoff format is best for 1A with the finals for all sports criss crossing for the final four.

However, at this point, it appears that the VHSL wants to stay with the 4 regions per class format.
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As for "making" the NND teams play in Region B like its a bad thing, are you kidding me?

(For one, many playoff games would be played at home in the Neck - higher seed).

Mainly, have y'all seen most of the schools that comprise Region B???

It would be much easier for almost all sports to compete in B over a A....

Think about Boys Basketball..... heck, softball, soccer, track...volleyball, as well (besides Riverheads....)
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@uvacavs1 I agree it might be an easier road to be successful in other sports because the NND is probably the top 2-3 in state as a whole as far as athletics go.I love that fact. And they always end up knocking each other out in post season play and some teams that go home probably are better than other regions’ teams that do move on in tourneys at regional/state level. Idk how the other schools in Region B are as far as other sports go as I’m mainly a Football guy but I do know we have some of the best baseball, softball and basketball teams in the state at 1A. I think the real solution might be changing the classifications for the state. Eliminate 1 maybe even 2 classifications and maybe some teams drop down and evens it out in Region B. Idk for sure I’d have to look into the numbers for some of the 2A schools in that region
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I think another poster stated before maybe just move the tri-rivers into Region B. Might even it out as far as teams and competitiveness.
I really liked the east vs west for 1A. Top 12, top 4 get byes. Cross bracket at final four.That would have likely pitted RH against Essex in the title game this year. Only the lower seed teams had to travel, as it should be, and if they win they are happy are to travel some more.
It was said before several times that the Tri Rivers schools and Tidewater schools did not want to play in the Region B playoffs (and the VHSL did not make them).

I am not sure why some of the teams in the Tidewater would not want to play in Region B in all sports.

Again, B has just Riverheads and a 2-3 other solid schools in B, the chances of advancing in the region playoffs are much higher in B for basically all sports.

Think Mathews in Boys Basketball - They might go pretty far in Region B, in Region A - out 1st round.

West Point in football would have been in the top three schools in Region B this year.

I could go on.....

Travel is not really that far for a few games (if away in the playoffs....). Some games would be home.
I really liked the east vs west for 1A. Top 12, top 4 get byes. Cross bracket at final four.That would have likely pitted RH against Essex in the title game this year. Only the lower seed teams had to travel, as it should be, and if they win they are happy are to travel some more.

100% Agreed.

But as of now, its a free pass for 1 or 2 schools in B to advance to states in most sports....
I would love to see 1A just go back to A/B playoffs unified & C/D playoffs unified. 12 or 16 seeded by power points on either side.

Honestly, I'd like to see all brackets statewide re-seed each round (floating bracket) like the NFL second round matchups.
I would love to see 1A just go back to A/B playoffs unified & C/D playoffs unified. 12 or 16 seeded by power points on either side.

Honestly, I'd like to see all brackets statewide re-seed each round (floating bracket) like the NFL second round matchups.
That what it was this year, problem is B only has a total of 6 teams, so they will never have 16 or 12
That what it was this year, problem is B only has a total of 6 teams, so they will never have 16 or 12

That's nowhere near what it was this year. What he was talking about was 12 or 16 east and 12 or 16 west, not per region. When you do it that way (previous system), they are put together, so that like what everyone seems to think was the real championship game (Riverheads at Essex) can be in Salem.

But let me ask @Hampton Roads 6, you use your 1st grade math to tell us what it should be, do you really not realize that there ARE other schools in Region B. So your 17-7 deal doesn't work to make it EVEN.

While we here like to think of everything in football terms, the fact is that there ARE other sports and they deserve to be looked at for their efforts as well.

Everyone says Riverheads benefited by the Region B fiasco, and they did, for FOOTBALL. But let's look at another sport and see how that went for them. Comp Cheer, Riverheads had to compete against the 2a schools, so it HURT them there.

So no people, no matter how much we dislike them, things weren't done in an effort to make things better for Riverheads
In wrestling this year they are combining A/B for regionals. A has 10 wrestling programs compared to B's 4.
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That's nowhere near what it was this year. What he was talking about was 12 or 16 east and 12 or 16 west, not per region. When you do it that way (previous system), they are put together, so that like what everyone seems to think was the real championship game (Riverheads at Essex) can be in Salem.

But let me ask @Hampton Roads 6, you use your 1st grade math to tell us what it should be, do you really not realize that there ARE other schools in Region B. So your 17-7 deal doesn't work to make it EVEN.

While we here like to think of everything in football terms, the fact is that there ARE other sports and they deserve to be looked at for their efforts as well.

Everyone says Riverheads benefited by the Region B fiasco, and they did, for FOOTBALL. But let's look at another sport and see how that went for them. Comp Cheer, Riverheads had to compete against the 2a schools, so it HURT them there.

So no people, no matter how much we dislike them, things weren't done in an effort to make things better for Riverheads

To me, this is not about Riverheads. They just benefit from this, not saying its their fault.

Competition Cheer does not have many teams like girls soccer in 1A. All 1A teams in those girls sports are combined in 2A. Northumberland and W&L for example have to play in the 2A girls soccer tournament.

The Region B "fiasco" does indeed impact basically ALL 1A Boys sports and most girls sports like softball and volleyball etc.

For ex., Region A softball is really good. There are like 15-17 Region A teams (many awesome). 12 teams qualify for the Region A softball

Region B softball has what 7 softball teams? I guess they all play in the Region B tourney.

Same for all the other sports.

As I said, which Region tournament would be much easier to prevail in?
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To me, this is not about Riverheads. They just benefit from this, not saying its their fault.

Competition Cheer does not have many teams like girls soccer in 1A. All 1A teams in those girls sports are combined in 2A. Northumberland and W&L for example have to play in the 2A girls soccer tournament.

The Region B "fiasco" does indeed impact basically ALL 1A Boys sports and most girls sports like softball and volleyball etc.

For ex., Region A softball is really good. There are like 15-17 Region A teams (many awesome). 12 teams qualify for the Region A softball

Region B softball has what 7 softball teams? I guess they all play in the Region B tourney.

Same for all the other sports.

As I said, which Region tournament would be much easier to prevail in?

I think you are missing my point. I dont think the Region setup is good, no matter what sport. It's not a football problem, or a A/B problem. I think the previous setup was way better.

But as much as I dislike RH, the Region B issue isn't THEIR fault. They didn't make the regions, so when it is discussed it shouldn't be they are cheating, etc.

I also don't think that if it were to go back to previous system that it should be 12. 8 or 16, because it's SOME kind of vantage, can be either advantage or disadvantage. I know Casto would rather not have a bye. And look what is possible from Galax.

And I know nothing about cheerleading, I just know that someone from Riverheads on Facebook was complaining about having to compete against 2a and Stuarts Draft as the example. I figured they meant regionally as SD won state
Some Wilson fans should know a lot about cheerleading , their players are the best at it !
Normally football drives the train, whether one admits it or not. Comp cheer isn't even a sport in my opinion. Cheerleading is a support activity. Does VHSL have comp for water boys/water girls ? Region B has an advantage over A in every sport with their 7 teams, all making regionals in every sport, every year.
Normally football drives the train, whether one admits it or not. Comp cheer isn't even a sport in my opinion. Cheerleading is a support activity. Does VHSL have comp for water boys/water girls ? Region B has an advantage over A in every sport with their 7 teams, all making regionals in every sport, every year.

Well those girls work hard, and dismissing them is wrong.


But go ahead and keep speaking badly about girls and KIDS. And keep thinking you know EVERYTHING
Normally football drives the train, whether one admits it or not. Comp cheer isn't even a sport in my opinion. Cheerleading is a support activity. Does VHSL have comp for water boys/water girls ? Region B has an advantage over A in every sport with their 7 teams, all making regionals in every sport, every year.

You're an idiot. Comp cheer is a sport. Sideline cheer is not. Do you know the difference? Maybe don't speak if you don't know anything about the topic.
Cheerleading is cheerleading.

One is judged like gymnastics. The other is literally cheering on a team. If you can't acknowledge that difference, you probably get lost finding the Siegel Center on Broad Street in Richmond.
Nothing like a sad, old man putting down a sport he doesn't even comprehend...
If you have even been to a cheer-leading competition, you would know it actually is a sport. Some very athletic students participate in it. But no one can argue, High School football finances almost every other sport outside of boys and girls basketball.

And Xcross, your a clown. Pretty funny but still a clown. Have a Merry Christmas.
If you have even been to a cheer-leading competition, you would know it actually is a sport. Some very athletic students participate in it. But no one can argue, High School football finances almost every other sport outside of boys and girls basketball.

And Xcross, your a clown. Pretty funny but still a clown. Have a Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you and best of luck to your son . Hope you guys get it turned around !