New limits on spectators


VaPreps Honorable Mention
Nov 17, 2019
King Ralph has raised attendance to 500 starting 4/1/2021 . All he has done is create a mess with that. How the heck are the schools going to administer that crap? First come first served, who you know, lottery? Going to be alot of upset people.
Already "who you know" with the leftover tickets. No way is going to be fair because nothing is fair to everyone.

You're right, going to make the current mess even worse.
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King Ralph has raised attendance to 500 starting 4/1/2021 . All he has done is create a mess with that. How the heck are the schools going to administer that crap? First come first served, who you know, lottery? Going to be alot of upset people.
yes u are right there, rhs vs draft on 4 -1 and both teams should be undefeated, could have 3000 or more fans if allowed, number 1 team in 1a vs number 1 team in 2a why dont they play the game at jmu
First of all I had not heard about this latest change in attendance figures but I agree with all of you that it will not help the situation one bit. I would like to think that just about every high school game out there has more than 500 people in attendance.

As for the JMU idea, you were probably only half serious but if there were in fact a place where that game could be played with a reasonable attendance allowance, then that might be an idea to consider, even if the two schools had to pony up some money to rent the place.

If that new figure kicks in on April 1, and his policies tend to be updated only once a month, then we can logically assume that nothing will change for the playoff games that will be held throughout April and then of course the state finals are set for May 1 if I am not mistaken. So in other words, he is not helping the situation one bit.

I have always said and still say that there is no reason why they could not station people outside at any high school game to take temperatures and/or check vaccination cards, and if you are healthy (ESPECIALLY if you can prove you have had your shots) then there is no logical reason to keep you out.
Already "who you know" with the leftover tickets. No way is going to be fair because nothing is fair to everyone.

You're right, going to make the current mess even worse.
I already suspected it was a who you know ordeal for the leftover tickets. I have left that alone as my work has not allowed me to make it to a game until halftime anyhow. I would like to see a fair system put into place that is not overly burdensome for the schools.
Hope tickets can be reserved for senior parents of the visiting teams. All parents of both teams (home and visiting team) should be offered tickets before and “regular fans” should be.
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King Ralph has raised attendance to 500 starting 4/1/2021 . All he has done is create a mess with that. How the heck are the schools going to administer that crap? First come first served, who you know, lottery? Going to be alot of upset people.
Exactly my first thoughts on this. Its a freaking mess. Graham technically plays at a college stadium since Bluefield College plays there too. I wonder if they could somehow get away with allowing more?
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It's certainly not enough, but to say it makes NO difference or even makes is worse is crazy to me.

Just think of what @Bo Bob said here. It certainly gives those parents a better chance.
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Hope tickets can be reserved for senior parents of the visiting teams. All parents of both teams (home and visiting team) should be offered tickets before and “regular fans” should be.

i have to agree with you that senior parents of visiting teams be allowed. Assuming say Appo has used their current 250 to capacity that leaves 250 tickets. Now lets say parents of visitors show up for a non playoff game. That would leave about 200 or more tickets available. What would be a good way for the school to handle the remaining tickets.
Kinda sorta gotta say this too. What the heck is Heritage going to do with their 450 tickets? lol.
It's certainly not enough, but to say it makes NO difference or even makes is worse is crazy to me.

Just think of what @Bo Bob said here. It certainly gives those parents a better chance.
A lot of schools are just allotting tickets to their players, cheerleaders and band. Now there is a component of limiting 250 more tickets. People are going to be upset and I do believe there will be a lot of angry people misdirecting their frustration towards the schools when they can't get a ticket. It's already happening as it is. I'm not complaining, it is better. But why in the world can you not open up to 30 percent capacity, wear masks and social distance? I just want to know what science he used to come up with such an arbitrary number. What if you have been vaccinated? Why can't you buy a ticket then? All of this just seems like throwing darts and picking a number to me. I understand we want to keep people safe, but the older and at risk population has had the opportunity to get vaccinated (me included), if they chose to. Let people make a decision to attend a game or not for pete's sake.
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We are all just venting here, even if we don't see the situation eye-to-eye. So since it is a case of "it is what it is" I will simply say that Bama's JMU idea is not the strangest thing I ever heard, especially when you consider that they have already played a dozen or more high school games there over the last five years or so and they actually seem to WANT to cooperate with the local schools. In fact to expand on that idea, since I mentioned the TA/Rockbridge game, why not have all four schools put their heads together and plan a doubleheader? Charge $7.00 a pop instead of the usual 5 and I think people would pay it.

Of course if the event were still considered to be in the same category as high school football is currently viewed, instead of JMU's limits being in effect, then obviously the idea would not work but it is at least worth dreaming about.

I wonder how the schools in NOVa and Tidewater where there are 3,000 or more students and they presumably have bigger crowds at their games feel about these limits?
Not to be the stick in the mix on the JMU idea but I would be shocked if Riverheads would agree to play there. There have been multiple opportunities to play there over the last several years and Casto and crew have not participated so C-19 or not I doubt that would change. The simple fact is that a good many of us will have to watch from home and as crappy as that is, no one on here will change that. We all hoped for an increase in crowd numbers and it occurred. It certainly wasn’t what we wanted but hopefully the senior parents of both teams of all games after April 1st can see their athlete play their final game/games.
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A lot of schools are just allotting tickets to their players, cheerleaders and band. Now there is a component of limiting 250 more tickets. People are going to be upset and I do believe there will be a lot of angry people misdirecting their frustration towards the schools when they can't get a ticket. It's already happening as it is. I'm not complaining, it is better. But why in the world can you not open up to 30 percent capacity, wear masks and social distance? I just want to know what science he used to come up with such an arbitrary number. What if you have been vaccinated? Why can't you buy a ticket then? All of this just seems like throwing darts and picking a number to me. I understand we want to keep people safe, but the older and at risk population has had the opportunity to get vaccinated (me included), if they chose to. Let people make a decision to attend a game or not for pete's sake.
There is no “science” to it! It’s just an arbitrary number that he throws out.
I agree 100%, let people make their own decision. Big Brother knows best though!! 🤦‍♂️
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As I stated in my original post, it's not enough, and maybe it wasn't on this board (because the same thing was posted everywhere), but I just don't see how an increase in numbers can make it worse.

Yes, most people will still not be able to go (or at least KNOW they can), and I certainly don't know the situation in every part of the state, but around here there has been both home and away fans. My point being is that this certainly gives parents a much better opportunity, and probably more "regular" fans as well.
I think that any person who has been fully vaccinated should be allowed in and allowed in without a mask. I'm still not understanding why those who have been vaccinated have to wear a mask. I never had to wear a mask for Meale's, Mumps, and Rubella over the years. I have been vaccinated for MMR If they still want us to wear a mask for the people who have been vaccinated, what' the point of the vaccine? I think that maybe we could get a better effort for less restrictions for the people who may have hd Covid and have also been vaccinated. These people have antibodies through the roof. I still wear a mask because business establishments and the CDC recommends it. But, at what point or when will a business such as Walmart or Dollar General have a sign that says, "Masks required for those who have not been vaccinated" which means for the one's that have, you don't have to wear a mask. I did a google search and it said the MMR vaccine is 88% effective against the Mumps, but the Covid Vaccine is supposed to be 94-95% effective. Why have we not been wearing masks for Mumps over the years?
That 94 or 95% is against serious illness, not of catching covid or spreading it. So your percentages are apples to oranges. But yeah, Ralph should have made the number higher
What bugs me is that you can have up to 5000 at a graduation in the same stadium that you can only have 500 in for football. Ridiculous.
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What bugs me is that you can have up to 5000 at a graduation in the same stadium that you can only have 500 in for football. Ridiculous.
Any chance that Graham could follow the WV rules since technically their stadium is on the WV side of the line?
Thank goodness for that U Tuber thing ! I am to old to fight for a ticket . Yes I agree the parents should come first ! All the rest get a ladder and peek over the fence .
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Not that I am encouraging lawless action, but there is no enforcement police for any of this. Not for wearing masks under a mask mandate. They could not even shut that restaurant down for not spacing out customers or requiring masks. You think they are going to have some state police force counting the fans? This whole thing is being done on the honor system.
Any chance that Graham could follow the WV rules since technically their stadium is on the WV side of the line?
So far, they have been following Virginia Rules. I have been wondering that same question. It would be worth looking into at least, I would think. But so far, there has been no indication that Graham would follow anything but the Virginia side rules.
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