No $ For Post Season ?


VaPreps Honorable Mention
Aug 24, 2010
I was told by someone at the State game that coaches are not paid for their time in the post season . This seems unfair . Looks like it would give a lot of coaches incentive to keep winning . 4 to 5 weeks and no $ stinks . If this is true , it needs to change ! Any comments ?
You think coaches in high school should be paid more when they are in the playoffs? You don't think that would open up and can of worms for staffs to try and cheat to get to playoffs to make more money? WOW

Coaches also don't get paid to hold off season sessions, which are now legal all year long except during 4 10 day dead periods.
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Coaches that make it to game #15 get paid same as coach who go 0-10. I know a coach who brought this to the attention of a local school board.

One would think a coach who coaches 15 games would get more than one who coaches 10 games and then collects and stores equipment for next season. There should be some bonus figured into contract.
Coaches that make it to game #15 get paid same as coach who go 0-10. I know a coach who brought this to the attention of a local school board.

One would think a coach who coaches 15 games would get more than one who coaches 10 games and then collects and stores equipment for next season. There should be some bonus figured into contract.

Some schools give bonuses. Some do not.
Coaches that make it to game #15 get paid same as coach who go 0-10. I know a coach who brought this to the attention of a local school board.

One would think a coach who coaches 15 games would get more than one who coaches 10 games and then collects and stores equipment for next season. There should be some bonus figured into contract.

Although I would like to see it, it's not economically feasible for a majority of school districts that have to explain to their constituents why they don't have an extra math class or other programs. Staff of 8-10 coaches in football getting an extra 500$, then the volleyball, tennis, cross country .... There are a few districts that I know give per idem for playoffs but not many.
How much $ does football make for the school ? In most cases football is $ for all other sports !
Coaches Salaries are paid by the really they can do whatever they like. In most cases the coach who makes a state run (Wythe, Galax, Montgomery) is probably from a system that pays better than say Bath County, Giles, or Craig. I think giving a vhsl sanctioned bonus would really cause a cheating problem. No one coaches High School sports for the money.
And don't disregard second tier sports in this conversation. Look at Auburn. Volleyball is elite and put in way more practice time that any other sport...and who gets paid more...lackluster football and basketball.
Coaches' stipends do not meet the new age of year round practice. I think it is unreal how schools expect coaches in all sports to practice or do some type of conditioning in the off seasons and those coaches don't receive any compensation for it.
At most schools, the Head Football Coach is the most important person in the building.
Most coaches are underpaid, but some are overpaid. (all sports, not just football)
I have never seen a football coach coaching for just the $$$$, but I have in other sports.
Yes I am 100% serious. I attended an Education Conference/Orientation once, and that was said by one of the Speakers. It is true. My response as to why is too long to post on this board.
I am pretty sure I have heard on TV more than once that a college football coach can be the highest-paid person on his campus, but I have never heard that about a high school coach.
I not mean coach be highest paid, I meant he most important. Not all but the good ones.

Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't know schools.
I not mean coach be highest paid, I meant he most important. Not all but the good ones.

Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't know schools.

You need to say what you mean. Sure, exceptional football coaches CAN be the most important person in a school building. Go back & look what you posted originally. Two different ideas. The fact that you're telling me I don't know schools is laughable.
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At most schools, the Head Football Coach is the most important person in the building.
That is the ONE of the most ridiculous statements that you have ever made on here. The head football coach is not the most important EDUCATOR in the building (because lets be honest with ourselves here) as football is an important part of life teaching our young men the value of team play, winning and LOSING, discipline, perseverance, and of course the old saying getting knocked down and getting back up, It is not however, more important than teach our young men to add, or subtract. It may be the most important person in the building in your (and others that you associate with) opinion HR6, but not for every school or parent. I would say that yes, the head coach is an important position in the school system because he is a role model too.

If we are trying to tell all of our young athletes that they are student/athletes and student being first, then why would you not tell our teacher/coaches that teacher is first? I really hope that you are just trying to get something started on here, in which case you seem to have succeeded. LOL!!!!

Are you also saying that the coach in Gretna that all of you wanted to run out of town was the most important person in the building????? LOL
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As someone who actually works in a school, as many others on this board do, I will tell you that you are unequivocally wrong. To your tiny idea of what a high school is all about, yes, the grand czar of the pigskin is vastly important. However, without football those schools would still stand (Some even do). Without that coach the earth keeps right on spinning (though they would never admit it). Overvaluing oneself or someone else is just as dangerous as undervaluing anyone. Furthermore...anyone who coaches a GAME for a living should never be seen with the same reverence as Jesus, Gandhi, or Paul Newman! To claim otherwise is laughable. Because the implication is that the football coach should be kowtowed to in all things...BS
HR6 You are exactly accurate with what you are trying to get across here, being a former Coach at the High School level and in the building all day as an educator, the Head Football Coach is one of the most important if not the most important people in the building. People have to be in the building as an educator to witness what goes on I guess.
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True. A "good" coach has a positive effect on MORE STUDENTS than anyone in the building, and not just football players. Those who do not understand this are lost out in left field someplace, looking for a foul ball.
A high school football coach is important but not the most important! There are a lot of kids in school that aren't affected by the football coach at all. Big schools or smaller schools, a football coaches' influence is big but definitely not the most important person in the building...imo!
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True. A "good" coach has a positive effect on MORE STUDENTS than anyone in the building, and not just football players. Those who do not understand this are lost out in left field someplace, looking for a foul ball.

LOL, what about a "good" band director who teaches over 300 students & has the same kind of school-wide reach among students/parents/alumni? What about a "good" technology resource teacher who gets EVERYONE's equipment working in EVERY class? I mean, your arrogance is hilarious. Do you not think anyone on these boards teaches for a living? Hello??? Anyone home??
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HR6 You are exactly accurate with what you are trying to get across here, being a former Coach at the High School level and in the building all day as an educator, the Head Football Coach is one of the most important if not the most important people in the building. People have to be in the building as an educator to witness what goes on I guess.

In reference to the bolded part above, why do you assume people who disagree with you aren't in the building? I'm looking for an actual answer to this question, not some "HR6 statement" with no details or backing.
Yeah, as stated it is a self proclamation of someone believing they (or a friend) are way more important than they are. As the Animaniacs said, "It's a great big universe and we're all really puny. Just tiny little specks about the size of Mickey Rooney." Keep that in mind before we make broad, poorly defended statements. And I'm speaking in hyperbole. I believe people who work with kids are vastly important, but let's not get carried away.
I've been a coach and an educator for over 15 years, while the head football coach is a key component to building a strong culture in a building; he is far from the most important person in the building.
I would imagine that varies from school to school. And that would vary with everyone's answer. Thus pegging it as one position is kind of moot. However, I am now at my fourth school system, and in one of those I may go as far as saying the coach played that important of a role. Not in any of the others. But at the end of the day, no one should take themselves that seriously.
Yeah, as stated it is a self proclamation of someone believing they (or a friend) are way more important than they are. As the Animaniacs said, "It's a great big universe and we're all really puny. Just tiny little specks about the size of Mickey Rooney." Keep that in mind before we make broad, poorly defended statements. And I'm speaking in hyperbole. I believe people who work with kids are vastly important, but let's not get carried away.

You listed Paul Newman with Ghandi and Jesus and now you're quoting the Animaniacs?

We are on a path to becoming best friends.

If it isn't the football coach , then who is ?

It depends but it could be a principal, guidance counselor, any number of teachers, or an AD who does the hiring. How many great schools are out there that don't have a quality football program or head football coach, now answer the next question - how many great schools are out there that don't have great leadership in administration, counseling, and great teachers? Simple answer - you can have a great school without a great football coach but it would be extremely difficult to have a great school without great teachers, leadership....
It depends but it could be a principal, guidance counselor, any number of teachers, or an AD who does the hiring. How many great schools are out there that don't have a quality football program or head football coach, now answer the next question - how many great schools are out there that don't have great leadership in administration, counseling, and great teachers? Simple answer - you can have a great school without a great football coach but it would be extremely difficult to have a great school without great teachers, leadership....

Schools do have good teachers, principals, guidance counselors, etc, but no single individual in most schools is most important person on campus than the Head Football Coach. The key here is "one single person" on campus. Now granted at some schools, this is not true for various reasons.
Like I said, it can be any number of people (depends on the school). At one school that I worked it was definitely the principal and assistant principal, at another it was the core academic leadership team made up of department heads. One of those schools that I worked for had a fantastic football coach, a legend, but wasn't the most important person in the school (although some in the community might have thought so). He retired and guess what, program didn't do as well and school system continued to perform at a high level. I know of several schools that have great football coaches but don't have great schools and in some cases are horrible schools. I understand the value of a strong role model, head football coach, and football program but in my opinion your placement at the top of the list is greatly exaggerated (but that's why we can have open debate).
I personally know of a new coach who went to the School Division's New Teacher Orientation. Some other teacher asked him "what do you teach and where" ? He replied, " I'm the Head Football Coach at __________ "

A football coach could be the most important person on campus at a good school or a bad school. How good the team is, how good the academics are, or how good the fine arts program is, has nothing to do with who is "most important person on campus". At most schools it is the HFC.
One individual with an overinflated sense of self-worth proves my point exactly. The most important person in a school is who the populace chooses it to be. So obviously some WANT it to be the football coach, but in a school that puts education and our future first that won't generally be the case. Want all you want...just won't happen across the board.
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For every school where you believe that the most important person on campus is the HFC I will give you at least 20 where that isn't the case nor should it be. You are right though, on some campuses it might be that way but I would argue that it is a shame if that's the case. I've worked in some great schools and with great coaches but never and I mean absolutely never have I been at one where the head coach was the most important person on campus.

As far as the coach saying "I'm the head football coach at ___________." What does that mean? Coaches are by nature Type A, I was a head coach and taught classes and would sometimes do the same thing. Heck, when I was a freshmen coach and beginning my first years of teaching I used to say, "I coach at ________ ." Coaching is in the public eye a lot more than individual teachers and there are fewer coaches than teachers but that doesn't mean that I or any other coach was the most important person on campus.

I'll take a great school over a great football coach any day of the week. I'd love to have both but if I had to pick one over the other, I'm taking the great school b/c I know there has to be a lot of great people in that building.
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Wow, what a lively little debate you guys have here! I guess I had never thought of this issue one way or another. Speaking as a long-time fan of a highly-successful football team, I may have my head in the sand, but I don't THINK our Coach Casto would consider himself to be the most important person in the building, nor would he want anyone else considering him to be such. My perception of the average football coach at any level is that he is so driven to live, breathe and sleep football that what he would want more than anything else is to be left alone to concentrate on doing what he loves. Therefore being considered more of an icon than he is would be a distraction, but that is just my take on the situation.

How would HR or anyone else amend their opinion in those cases where the school is not a football school at all, but instead more respected for other sports? For example is Mike Purdham the most important person at Page County? Is the soccer coach the top dog at George Mason? (Those are the two that came to mind.)

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