Over/Under on whether we have a season?


VaPreps Honorable Mention
Nov 24, 2018
I'm beginning to wonder now. Covid is unfortunately rising again and rearing it's ugly head. There is a very reasonable chance that the numbers for COVID in Virginia come the last 3rd of August or actually worse than last August. If that holds true, I just don't know if the folks in charge will allow a season. I hope the kids gets to play, but I am actually worried there will be no season., and if there is a season, there's a good chance it will be with only family getting entrance.

There were approximately 1700 new cases in Virginia yesterday. There were approximately 1050 cases this same day in Virginia last year regarding new infections. Come late August, the state of Virginia is projected to have over 2000 new cases daily which would be not just equal, but actually DOUBLE the amount of new cases in Virginia last year at the same time (late August).
I'm beginning to wonder now. Covid is unfortunately rising again and rearing it's ugly head. There is a very reasonable chance that the numbers for COVID in Virginia come the last 3rd of August or actually worse than last August. If that holds true, I just don't know if the folks in charge will allow a season. I hope the kids gets to play, but I am actually worried there will be no season., and if there is a season, there's a good chance it will be with only family getting entrance.

There were approximately 1700 new cases in Virginia yesterday. There were approximately 1050 cases this same day in Virginia last year regarding new infections. Come late August, the state of Virginia is projected to have over 2000 new cases daily which would be not just equal, but actually DOUBLE the amount of new cases in Virginia last year at the same time (late August).

Don't focus on cases. Look at Hospitalizations and Deaths. Even with the recent "spike" hospital visits are about the same as this time last year and deaths are about 1/3 of what they were.
I am fearful that the season will begin, but then schools will close their doors again after we have large surges. I read over on another thread that Alleghany Co has already shut down practices due to a rise in cases. If we do get through a season, there will most certainly be postponements and forfeits due to teams not having enough players or coaches due to quarantine. Even if vaccinated, those can still catch and transmit.
Correct, but vaccinated populations should be able to continue on, even if having to suffer through some personnel pauses.
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I think we can all agree the vaccines should be optional. Never mandatory.

Besides, if this shot is so effective then what do the vaccinated have to worry about?

And those who choose not to take it? Well, it's a risk they're willing to take.

No need to go full Nazi.

Yeah, I’m not too interested in debating effectiveness of vaccines on a sports message board. My comment above was only intended to reject the idea that a season will get canned because of some positive cases.
Yeah, I’m not too interested in debating effectiveness of vaccines on a sports message board. My comment above was only intended to reject the idea that a season will get canned because of some positive cases.
I agree with you.

The option is there for the vax. Take it or leave it, either way is fine. But it's time to play some ball and get back to life.
I agree that seasons should be played and that these kids have already lost too much. I'm trying to choose my words and keep away from anything that could sound's time to take life back and being in school and activities are two of those things. Hopefully the power's that make the decisions do so intelligently. There's goung to be cases and outbreaks, but then it comes back down and we just move on. No drastic measures are needed.
I don't think there will be blanket shutdowns. Just the unfortunate cancelations when whole teams go into quarantine.
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I don't think there will be blanket shutdowns. Just the unfortunate cancelations when whole teams go into quarantine.

Schoolboard, I have read that the current guidelines according to the CDC say that you do NOT have to quarantine if you have been exposed to Covid as long as you have had the vaccine. This means, if teams are going into complete quarantine mode due to one positive test, then they are NOT going by what the CDC recommends. They would be going beyond what the CDC recommends. I hope this isn't the case.
Schoolboard, I have read that the current guidelines according to the CDC say that you do NOT have to quarantine if you have been exposed to Covid as long as you have had the vaccine. This means, if teams are going into complete quarantine mode due to one positive test, then they are NOT going by what the CDC recommends. They would be going beyond what the CDC recommends. I hope this isn't the case.
I am only going by what I saw last season. And reactions seemed to vary by school division to the same situation. I know of some teams that had positive players, and they just disappeared and everything else moved on. And other times, things got shut down. It seems the biggest threat was if positive athlete was on bus in close quarters .
Yeah the bus rides are key. Coaches need to step up their involvement in coordinating who is on which bus. It’s a headache to manage , but more emphasis there could have helped save a team like Manchester from having to forfeit in the playoffs.
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As a follow-up, I talked to a parent whose child is in sports this fall. The vaccinated athlete does not have to quarantine. Bad news, only 8 out of 36 students in their child's sport had been vaccinated, so it pretty much shut it down anyway.
As a follow-up, I talked to a parent whose child is in sports this fall. The vaccinated athlete does not have to quarantine. Bad news, only 8 out of 36 students in their child's sport had been vaccinated, so it pretty much shut it down anyway.

Always amazed that people have these vaccination stats. Do the athletes just volunteer that info? Seems dicey from a privacy standpoint.
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Always amazed that people have these vaccination stats. Do the athletes just volunteer that info? Seems dicey from a privacy standpoint.
HIPPA is a need to know kind of thing. Meaning, I don't have to notify the greeter in Walmart as to whether I'm vaccinated. I don't have to notify the person in front or behind me in line, and if they ask me, I don't have to answer. But, when it comes to an organization in which you are apart of, and it's a contagious illness that effects the people around you, the privacy standard drops a bit. For example, you are in a locker room daily around 40 or so other kids for 2-3 hours and a very contagious illness is on the loose and yes, it's airborne. In these situations, one could say the Head Coach or AD "needs to know" if the kid has been vax'd or not. He's not entitled to know what kind of vax, who injected it, how it was injected, which arm or leg, what hospital, etc. But a simple yes or know in those situations wouldn't be outside the bounds of HIPPA.
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I don't know how it was handled. Perhaps it was just 8 people who came back to practice after being told they did not need to quarantine if they had vaccine. Maybe some who had been vaccinated just decided to not come back after the outbreak. Maybe some came back even if they did not have vaccine. The point is, apparently a very small percentage of the high school athletes are vaccinated.
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I don't know how it was handled. Perhaps it was just 8 people who came back to practice after being told they did not need to quarantine if they had vaccine. Maybe some who had been vaccinated just decided to not come back after the outbreak. Maybe some came back even if they did not have vaccine. The point is, apparently a very small percentage of the high school athletes are vaccinated.

There's no question about it man, it's a crazy virus and crazy world. I will be glad when this thing goes away. I want football pretty bad, but at the same time, I want safety and whatever that balance is.....I have no idea.
HIPPA is a need to know kind of thing. Meaning, I don't have to notify the greeter in Walmart as to whether I'm vaccinated. I don't have to notify the person in front or behind me in line, and if they ask me, I don't have to answer. But, when it comes to an organization in which you are apart of, and it's a contagious illness that effects the people around you, the privacy standard drops a bit. For example, you are in a locker room daily around 40 or so other kids for 2-3 hours and a very contagious illness is on the loose and yes, it's airborne. In these situations, one could say the Head Coach or AD "needs to know" if the kid has been vax'd or not. He's not entitled to know what kind of vax, who injected it, how it was injected, which arm or leg, what hospital, etc. But a simple yes or know in those situations wouldn't be outside the bounds of HIPPA.

HIPPA laws exist to protect the person in question from having SOMEONE ELSE share their medical info to a third party. A lot of armchair doctors like to pretend they know how that law is applied, when they really have no clue.
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HIPPA laws exist to protect the person in question from having SOMEONE ELSE share their medical info to a third party. A lot of armchair doctors like to pretend they know how that law is applied, when they really have no clue.
Agree. What HIPPA doesn't do is give someone personal protection against ever having to disclose their health information, certain scenarios like the hospital, etc, but in a locker room or school, perfectly legal to ask kids if they have had the vaccine or not. As for making vax's mandatory, well that can of worms is hot and heavy in national discussion and beyond my scope.
It’s not illegal to ask, but there are also limitations on public schools as far as what they can do if a student refuses to answer.
It’s not illegal to ask, but there are also limitations on public schools as far as what they can do if a student refuses to answer.
WPO, I think there should be limitations on what a public school can do if a student refuses to answer. This is just my opinion and just my way of thinking on it, but what if a school would try to dish out some sort of punishment when the school doesn't get its way? For example, right now with this Covid, it's controversial as heck and some balance between personal freedom and public safety. I don't know what the balance is. I do know that I would be pissed off pretty dang good if my kid gave a so called "wrong answer" on a fifty fifty issue that could go either way and he or she was punished for it. I am for people gettin the vax, but I am openly for someone's choice to not be vaxd and with that decision to not be vaxd, I think they shouldn't be shamed, penalized or have any harm coming there way. Same with someone getting the vax (which I did). There shouldn't be no celebration or award for gettin it. Just a personal decision either way man.

Brother, what I want is FOOTBALL!!! I quit watching most of the pros and have cut back on college but I still watch it. I miss High School Football and a true High School season where everybody participates. Meaning, no teams are sitting it out, for example, a Sussex Central or Buckingham County. Heck, BC and even King William at the 2A level had some serious run in them last year and KW's playoffs cancelled and BC didn't even play. I hate it man. I want everyone in. All of em!
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Word. I do think you have to consider that “negative consequences” based on that choice not to vax are possible (likely, even).

Most schools aren’t going to take bold steps and stick their necks out into that political hotbed. What you’re seeing with masks is a result of this reality. School divisions are being forced to make EVERYONE wear masks because they have to assume EVERYONE is unvaccinated because they can’t force anyone to disclose their status.
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No need to bring Hippa and any other reason about rights and freedoms. The fact remains we have deadly virus that’s raging wild again. Folks need to get vaccinated if you want normalcy again. Science doesn’t discriminate folks !
No need to bring Hippa and any other reason about rights and freedoms. The fact remains we have deadly virus that’s raging wild again. Folks need to get vaccinated if you want normalcy again. Science doesn’t discriminate folks !
Exactly right

I'm sick of hearing people say "let the kids play, they aren't at risk"...but if their kid had a tragedy because of it I'm sure they would be suing everyone and everybody
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TruTiger, I agree with you to an extent man I encourage the vax, but here's the craziness with this, the dang vax doesn't kill the infection. Most vax's for viruses not only protect you from getting seriously ill if you do contract it (and these do that) but most of them cripple the virus ability to infect. Not the case here at all. You can be vax'd, have what you think is the common cold and have Covid, and then spread it like wildfire. And guess what, you can spread it not just to someone who hasn't been vax'd, but to someone who is also equally vax'd like you! It's craziness man.

This virus is nasty and I used to think that if nearly everyone were vax'd, it would go away, but I don't believe that any longer I've read there is concern that when you have a vaccine that adequately protects from critical illness, but doesn't kill, it can perpetuate strength/variants in a virus that actually make it stronger. Still, with all of this above, I got vax'd and still encourage the vax to prevent lethal illlness, but........I'm no longer sold having everyone vax'd is making the virus go away. I now believe everyone should get vax'd in order to decrease the chances of dying from the virus, but I no longer believe in telling people to get vaxd in order for the world or country to be rid of this virus. I just don't think the current vaccines that we have work well enough, and my thoughts are main stream. This ain't right wing or left wing stuff. The Vax's just aren't killing the dang thing.
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But I do think it should be up to a kids parent whether their child wears one or not...but if something happens to their kid it's on the parents

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