Patrick Henry 22 Varina 21

The Varina loss curbs the excitement a little for next week’s Varina/HSHS matchup. But, a rivalry game like that rises to a special level regardless.
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The Varina loss curbs the excitement a little for next week’s Varina/HSHS matchup. But, a rivalry game like that rises to a special level regardless.
Looks like Varina might be playing Patrick Henry in the first round.of the playoffs
Looks like Varina might be playing Patrick Henry in the first round.of the playoffs
I think the highland springs and Varina game is going to be a exciting game and whoever has the ball last will win
I think the highland springs and Varina game is going to be a exciting game and whoever has the ball last will win
And then again highland springs is in division 5 Varina is in division 4 why beat each other up going into the playoffs. Both teams have the ability to win there region in their class.. an old military tactic let two countries battle it out and they destroy each other the other country moves in and mops both of them up. Hopefully there will be no injuries on both sides and will be a good game
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