In a way it does take strength of schedule into account by adding points for opponent victories. Obviously a team gets more points for a win than a loss, but that evens out a little if you beat a winless team and another team loses to a 9 win team. No system is perfect, but it is the same one that we have been using during the HS and Bird title runs. So I hope that is not whining I hear. How many times was Bird the #1 seed in the region in their championship runs?
I don't have any details on our scheduling other than it is mostly the same teams that we have been playing for years. Maybe we are better than previous years and maybe those teams are down this year, but that happens with just about everybody at some time. You have to beat the teams you face with what you have available that day. If that earns you something nobody else thinks that you deserve, that is their problem.
Go Wildcats!