Question for Washington & Lee Fans...or someone that might know...

Essex Trojan1

VaPreps All District
Gold Member
May 17, 2009
Now that the playoffs are here, how many of those injured players will be playing this Friday? The Rappahannock game it was said to be 10 out injured/sick, Essex game it was said to be about 5 and not sure if any were out for the Colonial Beach game.
I am sure adjustments will be made this week and hopefully Friday’s playoff game will be more competitive than what happened at The Nest this past Friday. First time CB has ever won at WnL since the series began close to 50 years ago! Up until a few years ago the best CB has done was a tie in the 1970’s. So a tip of the cap to CB’s program and how far they have come. My daughters go to CB and it was my youngest first football game and she has rubbed it in past 48 hours so it’s been a rough weekend for me. But I am excited that they both want to go to Friday’s football game even if I have to take some more abuse!!
I think W&L is about to start getting ready for Basketball. with JJ McNeil out, and a few others banged up, I think Coach Taylor will give it a good try, but his guys are starting to hit exhaustion and catch the last season injuries. I think their coaching will keep them competitive in the coming years, but they had a good season and Congrats to Taylor for making the playoffs his first season as HC.
Yeah it would appear that the transition to basketball is in the minds of he kids. That win for CB rides the coat tails of that Northumberland loss at home with we hadn't lost to them period in 21 years!!! I just feel and I could be wrong but the kids just not the same as far as what they care about. It's one thing to just be beat and nothing you can do about it due to superior competition but I refuse to believe that Essex nor CB is that much better than W&L team that digs deep with pride. Naw, the last 4 or 5 seasons seem like it's been a different attitude among W&L players even spilling over into Basketball where I know also those have been teams with talent and good coaching like football but didn't reach their potential. Once again just my opinion, no disrespect to anyone in particular.

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