Radford going back to GW..

This one should be a WAR GW has improved a lot and Radford is Radford lol I think who ever wins this one only wins by 7 or less.
I'm excited for this rematch good luck to my Maroons and good luck to Radford. This one will surely be a battle. To all the Radford fans travel safe and see you all Saturday.
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Think I may come to this game, but I don't want to see something as lopsided as the first meeting...All you GW supporters...someone sell me on why GW will be better able to stop Radford this go-round besides they've just gotten better. The match-up seemed unfavorable the last time.
Well in the first game we played uninspired football against the Bobcats we acted like we had the game won before it started. In the pass game is where they hold the advantage over our D and boy did they take advantage of it lol . When the first game happened we had 6-7 making there first start on varsity with the Bobcats having a lot of returning players. Now in all honesty they will still have an advantage in the pass game but I feel that our D line and the DB's have had a full season to learn from the first game. We have had an opportunity to see a lot of good teams this season some are really up from normal and that has helped us to have to play better and preform. We had RR down 21 they fought and came back we won by 1 this shows the kids can overcome a never quit team. We saw PH who came out swinging and never stopped this also shows we can win the game by keeping composer late and not make mistakes. We saw Galax who is an extremely well coached and very technical in the trenches and the kids proved that they can beat a team with the right game plan and very good weapons like Charles Harris. We had NW who has Doane who lead the HOGO in passing this season now a lot say well you stopped him from throwing because of the rain. I say that's not the case he could not move to throw it he had a 6'5 270lb or a 6'7 250lb lineman in his face all night and when they couldn't get him Tyler Hardin and Rashad Wells did. Yes MY MAROONS have flaws that can be fatal anyone with eyes and a football mind can see that. But if you know what you are looking at you will also see they have the talent to play with anyone in 1A. They have enough heart to grind out tough wins against teams who don't know how to quit. We have the leadership of some very smart young men on O and D with a great fan base. So basically this is a different game yes we will give up TD's over the top against them again. And yes we will have to show up this time or it will be the same outcome and we better play some inspired football or the Bobcats will be headed back to the semis. But I know as a former player at GW and a lifelong fan I see a very good and very young GW team every week with the attitude to be pissed off enough to show up and make the Bobcats play the best game they can on Saturday and earn this one or the will be beaten. This is a mistake free game and will have to be the best game played for both teams or one will be very disappointed at the end of the night. Ask Radcats if GW doesn't show up for the Raddy games come playoff time each year just as they do this is an old rivalry with a lot of tradition and usually has a ton riding on it. So with that I'll be on the hill this upcoming Saturday watching what I know will be a battle of 2 monster teams full of talent and depth. If you want to see a war make the trip to Wytheville come early eat at CJ's pizza at the top hill then come to Pendleton Field and enjoy.
Oh and none of that is an excuse Radford beat us into submission the first time and showed a young group what a well balanced well coached TEAM of athletes can do.
Oh and none of that is an excuse Radford beat us into submission the first time and showed a young group what a well balanced well coached TEAM of athletes can do.
Sure seems like an excuse to me. You always blame the coach but seeing how they are ranked #1 they must have a very good coach. The top football expert for SWVA should give him a little credit for the job he has done.
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Playing a second time usually favors the loser of the first game. Unless the first game winner is just that dominate. The winner generally only makes minor adjustments to their plan that worked the first time and the loser has time to breakdown the advantages the winner had in the first game. Is this game on Saturday? I would love to head down to see this matchup.
I remember those 3-0, 22-23 games lol some battles have come out of these 2 going at it.
the 3-0 game was one of the best ever. Grant Mitchell kicked the field goal for Radford with seconds remaining in the game. This game stayed between the 40's all night. Radford was finally able to get inside the 30 by running a flea flicker. It doesn't get any better than GW vs. Radford.
Haha he gets credit for being a good guy who the kids will play for but as far as the season we are having it just that the kids and the kids playing not his coaching. And I don't have to make excuses my team is still playing and did you do some fact checking? You ready to try and prove you laughable points or are you gonna keep making vague statements hoping they come true?
the 3-0 game was one of the best ever. Grant Mitchell kicked the field goal for Radford with seconds remaining in the game. This game stayed between the 40's all night. Radford was finally able to get inside the 30 by running a flea flicker. It doesn't get any better than GW vs. Radford.
Yeah that is the best game I've seen between these 2 and it was a war we always show up for each other come playoff time. I have nothing but respect for Radford.
I don't have a dog in the fight, but I will say GW will be hard to beat 2 times in 1season. But, knowing how the " Playoffs " tend to bring out the best in Radford, this thing may be super close, may even OT style. Heck, throw everything out the back door, and that includes the playbook. The kids should know every play by heart, unless the Coaches get cute and put in some " NEW " plays. Each coaching staff will know the other teams tendencies, weakness, and strengths. They are out there, just watch, and you can pick them up with a shovel. It is game films My Friend, and about 10 games worth. And you my even want to go back and look at last year to pick up anything different.
It will a good game, and I have to go with GW in this one My Friends, but just by a wisker!
I do think GW's coach deserves more credit than he is given. Beamer was far from a stud before moving up to GW. Look at him now. He continues to motivate players to perform better than before. And while they do have talent, they still have to have direction. If they win Saturday, I think we need to give a bit more credit. Making the final four in the state is no accident, no fluke, and not done in spite of poor coaching. I'm going 14-10 GW!
This will be a premier matchup between two very successful programs in SWVA. It certainly has caught the attention of football fans across SWVA . Both schools are to be commended for their accomplishments, which didn't hppen without hard work, dedication, sacrifice, and a love for the game. As for who gets the credit for this success, let that be decided by everyone, and each die hard FAN, to which their are many. It would not be right for me to impose my views upon someone else, but for what it is, only my views and nothing else. Thank God we have this right and preveledge to each and everyone alike, to express our feelings in this great country. Football is just a game, nothing more, nothing less. We as fans are just that, fans of the game that we love. May your favorite team have a great game.
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Think I may come to this game, but I don't want to see something as lopsided as the first meeting...All you GW supporters...someone sell me on why GW will be better able to stop Radford this go-round besides they've just gotten better. The match-up seemed unfavorable the last time.
Several years back Giles played GW and beat them handily...I think 28-0....playoffs come and they beat us in round 2 or 3...some teams age like a fine wine...and some age like milk...don't take anything for granted...whichever team has progressed wins
I, for one, will be pulling for GW in this one v Radford. I hope that they can redeem themselves from the big loss v Radford at the beginning of the season.

One of the reasons I will pull for GW may seem funny but back in Salem 2012, two fine gentlemen from GW who were sitting beside our Essex group talked with us a lot. Anyway they were very friendly, extremely knowledgeable about East football as well as their own region (made many spot on observations about the Essex v Goochland game) and were very sympathetic and supportive for Essex even as things went downhill for the Trojans in that game. Anyway, I remembered that. So go GW!
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That was my junior season you guys beat us 28-7 the fourth week and we beat you
Several years back Giles played GW and beat them handily...I think 28-0....playoffs come and they beat us in round 2 or 3...some teams age like a fine wine...and some age like milk...don't take anything for granted...whichever team has progressed wins
That was my junior season you guys beat us 28-7 in the fourth game we beat you guys 20-17 for the region C title and I agree which ever team has made the proper adjustments for the other team will win.
I do think GW's coach deserves more credit than he is given. Beamer was far from a stud before moving up to GW. Look at him now. He continues to motivate players to perform better than before. And while they do have talent, they still have to have direction. If they win Saturday, I think we need to give a bit more credit. Making the final four in the state is no accident, no fluke, and not done in spite of poor coaching. I'm going 14-10 GW!
Don't get me wrong I know its not all the kids but some of the simplest thing a coach has to have down to win he cant seem to get. Like use of timeouts and players why are you taking timeouts with 3 seconds to go in the half against twin springs from the 5 yard line and then take a second one then kick it? Now mind he was already in fg formation so just kick it. Or we are up 49 on bland and he still slamming Deacon Beamer up the middle why he should be on the bench relaxing at that point. It's simple things that will get us beat fundamentals is the name of the game.
Can anyone bring me up to date on whether the matchups remain the same from the 1st game or were there key players out then or now? We all know also what can happen between a 1st game blowout and a rematch (Giles/Glenvar last year) so this is a very intriguing game.
Look i am for whoever coaches the maroons to victory. Im not a big fan of harner but if you win games then you are doing your job. He is keeping a very rich tradition going and that should be all that matters to us fans. On another note deacon beamer could be like most of us back in our playing day and refuse to go out. Deacon could play the whole game running the ball every time and it probably doesnt phase him. He has the heart of a warrior and the will and pride to continue his teams dominance. As far as the game saturday this will be the closest game either two of these teams play all season long. This game is a marquee matchup that a lot of fans die to see every season. Out of all the games i played in GW, Radford was by the far the hardest hitting game we played. GW-21 Radford-20
Look i am for whoever coaches the maroons to victory. Im not a big fan of harner but if you win games then you are doing your job. He is keeping a very rich tradition going and that should be all that matters to us fans. On another note deacon beamer could be like most of us back in our playing day and refuse to go out. Deacon could play the whole game running the ball every time and it probably doesnt phase him. He has the heart of a warrior and the will and pride to continue his teams dominance. As far as the game saturday this will be the closest game either two of these teams play all season long. This game is a marquee matchup that a lot of fans die to see every season. Out of all the games i played in GW, Radford was by the far the hardest hitting game we played. GW-21 Radford-20
I cant say anything about the way the team is winning and for us to be 10-1 he has to be doing a lot to keep the kids motivated so he deserves credit for that. But you know just as well as I do who should be calling the shots at GW right now and also how much more prepared this team would be compared to some of the crap we have seen so far. But in the end winning is winning and tradition is tradition and so far its still alive. The thing about Deacon no doubt he can take all of the shots he is taking and ill guarantee he doesn't want to come out but that is why harner has to pull him. Look at how hard Jake would play he never wanted to come out just like we didn't but when we would get to a place in the game where the score would be in hand coach would pull us. So yes the kids don't want to come out but he has to make that call don't let the kids make a decision that could get them hurt. And yeah for me Radford and Giles was always the 2 hardest hitting teams we played that doesn't seem to be any different with this years Radford team lol. I gotta go GW-42 Radford-38
Can anyone bring me up to date on whether the matchups remain the same from the 1st game or were there key players out then or now? We all know also what can happen between a 1st game blowout and a rematch (Giles/Glenvar last year) so this is a very intriguing game.
For the most part it should be the same unless Radford has changed anything I cant say for them but GW pretty much has the same set up. #20 for GW was the starting safety in the 1st game he isn't there anymore and we sub in a lot more LB's now. I really think this game will be different the kids have had a full season to get some much needed experience most of the kids we are playing are first timers. We have 8-10 kids playing varsity ball for the 1st time #50 #71 #33 are the 3 that had a lot of playtime last season the rest either didn't play, didn't play much or play a different spot like #5 Rashad Wells he really only played D last year.
Look at the competition we played before. There was only 2 or 3 games that we got pulled from all year long. It seems as if now the competition is weaker and the road to the State final is easier. Granted you play more games and right now stamina and endurance will play a big factor in this game. Will Radford be better prepared? I think so. The level of competition that they play yearly makes them better prepared at this point. That is the reason our record against Radford is just plain silly. When you play Holston, Northwood and PH on the yearly against the likes of Glenvar and Giles we dont match up as far as strength of schedule. This is the first year I can actually say Beamer has compiled some what of a decent schedule. It seems as if we are the high school Virginia Tech and play cupcake games and when its time to play talent we lose our minds. Someone posted before on here it will be hard to beat GW two times in the same year. It is but if our guys go out there and play like the game was won at coin toss call it over now. Once again this will be the closest game either of these teams play this year. It will not be high scoring. Both defenses are playing stellar. Both offenses are clicking. We could be looking at a stalemate until someone makes a mistake. Reference 2007 GW vs Chilhowie. 7-6. I think in the end we will be thanking Harner more than we are bashing him. Not fighting just making sure us GW remember tradition and that is what we are seeking here.
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In regards to Harner, I can't say that I agree with everything he does, but that's just simply a difference in philosophy. That's why he gets paid to do what he does, and I'm simply a spectator, though. The main thing is that the kids continue to play hard for him, and we play with poise under pressure. At the end of the day, that's the biggest thing you can ask for.

As far as the game goes, I don't think it's rocket science. We won't stop Radford all night long, but we will need timely defensive plays, and we'll need to keep the game inside the box offensively. Pound the body of the Bobcat D, and take the shots when they present themselves. The uglier we make this game in the first 3 quarters, the better our chances in the 4th.
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Look at the competition we played before. There was only 2 or 3 games that we got pulled from all year long. It seems as if now the competition is weaker and the road to the State final is easier. Granted you play more games and right now stamina and endurance will play a big factor in this game. Will Radford be better prepared? I think so. The level of competition that they play yearly makes them better prepared at this point. That is the reason our record against Radford is just plain silly. When you play Holston, Northwood and PH on the yearly against the likes of Glenvar and Giles we dont match up as far as strength of schedule. This is the first year I can actually say Beamer has compiled some what of a decent schedule. It seems as if we are the high school Virginia Tech and play cupcake games and when its time to play talent we lose our minds. Someone posted before on here it will be hard to beat GW two times in the same year. It is but if our guys go out there and play like the game was won at coin toss call it over now. Once again this will be the closest game either of these teams play this year. It will not be high scoring. Both defenses are playing stellar. Both offenses are clicking. We could be looking at a stalemate until someone makes a mistake. Reference 2007 GW vs Chilhowie. 7-6. I think in the end we will be thanking Harner more than we are bashing him. Not fighting just making sure us GW remember tradition and that is what we are seeking here.
Well said and agreed
Check out CJ's Pizza at the top of the hill best pizza around and sure man I'm down ill be about 75ft to the left of the stands in a group of people ill be wearing a grey shirt.

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